Students of FKB Tel-U Won Third Place in SCTV News Presenter Contest

News Presenter

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Students Tel-U achieved an achievement again. Nurizandhini Sabilla Destu (Ikom) won 3rd place in the News TV presenter competition as a part of SCTV Goes to Campus 2015, Thursday (7/5). She was selected from 15 finalists who competed the previous day.

TV News Presenter competition itself is divided into several rounds. Preliminary round was held on Wednesday (6/5) at the University of Parahyangan. Then on the second day, Thursday (7/5), fifteen participants is chosen to enter the final round which held in the 4th floor Hall Kawalusu Building FKB Tel-U. In this final round, the finalists are required to report an incident in front of the camera like a news reporter. Announcement of the winners was read out at the same time live in Liputan 6 SCTV.

After going through the process, the jury decided Destu as the third winner and got Rp 2.500.000,00. The first prize was won by Diki Irdan, Polytechnic students LP3I Bandung got Rp 7.500.000,00 and second prize won by Karin of the University of Padjadjaran Rusmayati got Rp 5.000.000,00.

Destu said, SCTV Goes to Campus is a self-evident for him to become a TV presenter. “This victory should be a motivation for me to be more confident in doing any activity going forward,” he said.
(Purel / EAD)

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