Tel-U Students achieved 1st National Tax Olympiad 2015


BANDUNG, TEL-U – Three Student Accounting Telkom University won first prize at the event in 2015. The National Tax Olympic Games is organized by the Polytechnic Pos Indonesia in cooperation with the Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax (DJP) Large Taxpayers Jakarta. held Wednesday – Thursday (28 -29/10) at the Auditorium of the Polytechnic Pos Indonesia, Bandung.
A team of Annisa Sariutami, Gianti Anggraeni and Hesty Purwati Hassanah who is a student of Accounting Studies Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) became champion after beating 22 other teams coming from 14 universities in Indonesia.
National Tax hook Olympics 2015 is divided into two rounds. The first half contains 75 multiple choice questions and 25 essay. Then proceed to resolve problems with the tax case weights greater value.
“At the moment we only learn about the preparation of the tax base, but in the first half of the race, mostly a matter of complex tax rules. Because enacted points on each question, we are cautious in the answer, “said Gianti.
The first round is over and announced six teams eligible for the contest in the second round. Tel-U team managed to enter and ranks 3rd. In the second half, the team Tel-U had to argue against the State University of Surabaya with the theme ‘Do you agree, if the system of value added tax collection mechanism is now converted into a sales tax’.
“This is our fourth race, and this time there is a new debate session. The preparation does ask my friends who others often follow the debate marketing. In addition, although deepened understanding of the material to the preparation of one week, “said Annisa Sariutami.
According to Annisa, during the debate team Tel-U get a lot of support from the audience present at the auditorium Poltekpos. They also called for an independent team during the race they were alone, the supervisor was absent because he was absent. They claimed to have no difficulty in finding material because besides often follow the race, Annisa and Hesty is an assistant professor of accounting.
2nd in this event was won by the School of Economics Sutaatmadja (STIESA) Subang and champions to 3 University of the Virgin Mulya Jakarta.
“We hope there is a successor of a brother-sister level below us, so that regeneration continues. We also ask for prayers and support for the next race on November 8 in Surabaya, “said Annisa (purel / izal)

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