914 TelU Lecturers Celebrate National Education Day in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

05 02 914 DosenTelU Rayakan Hardiknas dalam masa Pandemi Covid 19

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Celebrating the National Education Day on Saturday, May 2, 2020, Telkom University held a sharing inspiration event which was attended by all Telkom University lecturers and Prof. Dr. Uman Suherman AS, M.Pd (Head of Institution for Higher Education Services in Region IV).

The event held through the ZOOM meeting application and Youtube Telkom University took the theme “Challenges in the World of Education in the Pandemic Era Covid-19”.

Prof. Uman explained that during a pandemic, the world of education must show its innovation on how to help the government in dealing with this pandemic.

“Here I congratulate Tel-U because Tel-U initiates the dealing with this pandemic, I have seen many Tel-U innovations during this period.” He said.

Prof. Uman added that lecturers as intellectuals, must be able to create a good generation for this nation, and amid this pandemic. The learning system must be disciplined in implementing learning, must be able to direct themselves, be responsible, be grateful, be able to solve problems, empathy-tolerance, creative – innovation, sharing, and that’s smart in life.

“We as educators must be able to create a good generation, and its characteristics are having faith and piety, having noble character, strong personality, intelligent, skilled, and all of that must be wrapped with responsibility.” He said.

He also added that the lecturer must apply what had been conveyed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara, “Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo ing madyo built karso, tut wuri handayani”.

“Means that an educator, lecturer, and teacher must give example in the front, encourage in the middle, and give power behind. By implementing those values, a good generation is on our hands. “He explained.

Prof. Uman advised as an intellectual person, we should be an example for students and the environment.

“Therefore, a lecturer must have good thinking. It would impact the word we say and the action we take.” He explained.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. In his remarks, Adiwijaya wished a happy national education day to all educators in Indonesia, and Telkom University academicians.

“As many as 914 lecturers participated in this activity, thank you to all teaching staff who participated in this activity. Hopefully, It can encourage Tel-U lecturers to continue advancing Telkom university going forward during this pandemic.” He said.