Considering The economic Potential of Big Data

Big Data 1

BANDUNG, TEL-U – More than 5 billion mobile phones send SMS data. More than 1 billion smartphones send and download data in the book, e-book, chat, pictures, photographs, video and GPS. More than 6 billion devices connected to the Internet such as servers, PCs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, medical equipment, satellite, automotive sensors, and the ‘internet of things’ other. Web applications, e-commerce, purchase records, bank transactions, social networking and streaming activity. All of it is a large contributor to data.

“How great economic potential generated by Big Data. For example, in United States, the healthcare industry has resulted in an additional 300 billion USD per year after the use of Big Data. As another example, European governments were able to save 149 billion USD per year, “said Rusmanto Maryanto, Editor in Chief of InfoLINUX on Meet Up Big Data 4th, Tuesday (9/6).

According Rusmanto, nowadays, the activity of world’s Internet users had very large volumes of data. There were diverse types of data. Some of them are typically structured data, unstructured or in between. Data was fast growing and rapidly changing. “The volume increases exponentially. Currently there were approximately 4.8 Zetta Bytes of data equivalent to 4.8 trillion Giga Bytes, “said Rusmanto.

Lecturer and researcher Telkom University Faculty of Business Economics (FEB Tel-U) Andry Alam, S.Si., M.Sc said Big Data leading to social computing. “Now the data provided in the social network is wide open. Opinions on social media now represent public opinion. “According to him, many aspects that could be the object of research in Big Data. Unfortunately, there were still a few people who work on it.

Andry added, by utilizing Big Data in the study, researchers were able to quantify the behavior of Internet users through the numbers or metrics. The research objective was to describe and predict about a thing. Then, it can perform optimization and simulation. “Areas of research include the need for information to support the activities of marketing, communication, scientific development, management and finance,” said Andry.

Meet Up Big Data 4th held in the Multimedia Room BTP. Besides Rusmanto and Andry, other speakers Meet Up is the Director of Bandung Techno Park, Ir.Jangkung Raharjo, MT and IT experts from Imam Turmudi 1247 Solutions. (Purel / risca)

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