Faculty and Unit Improve the Producing Video Skill

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BANDUNG, TEL-U – The progress of Information and Communication Technology requires every person to continue develop their abilities, especially in the field of multimedia. This is what lies behind the convening of a video production workshop, which was held on Monday and Wednesday (25th & 27th Jan) at Rise Building 2nd floor Multimedia Room.

The workshop was attended by almost all representatives of faculties and units in Telkom University (Tel-U). The event took place over two days invited Freddy Yusanto M.Ds, lecturer from Faculty of Communication and Business Communication Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) as a speaker.

The aim of this event was to support vision and mission both faculty and university. In addition, participants are expected to improve their skill in producing high quality video. Also, this event is expected to support the achievement of Faculty Contract Management (KM) in particular the publication in media.

This workshop was divided into two sessions, the first one was discussion on how the pre-production runs, started from created the concept of video, the script writing, tool preparation, crew selection and conduct site surveys.

“For writing the script, the most important is all team understand the idea, because these ideas will not be accepted if they are not revealed to be a concept” said Mr. Freddy. After first session, participants asked to make a video outline of their company profile.

Meanwhile Head of Management Secretary Tel-U, Dra Yani Nuraeni provided the guidance on e-memo that was expected to be applied on next February. “On February, all faculties and units is expected to implement e-memo, so that we can avoid scattered papers on our desk,” he said. (Purel / AW)

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