FEB Online Seminar Series # 4 Sessions 1

Bandung, Telkom University – School of Economics and Business (FEB) organized Online Seminar Series # 5 Session 1 on Thursday (10/9) online through the Zoom Meeting application. The speakers at this seminar were Lecturers and Researchers from the School of Economics and Business, Dedik Nur Triyanto, M.Acc., CPA, and guided by Siska Priyandani Yudowati, SE., MBA.

Dedik discussed the potential in the New Normal Covid-19 pandemic era. According to him, there is the possible causes and potential for fraud. The evolution of fraud theory includes four document methods used by fraud perpetrators, problems that increase the risk of fraud, the biggest threat to organizations during new normal and potential fraud that occurs in the allocation of funds for economic recovery.

This seminar aims to make anyone during this pandemic prepare a strategy to minimize fraud in allocating economic recovery.