Leaf Waste Processing Based on I-Want Telkom University

03 20 pengolahan sampah telkom university1

BANDUNG, Telkom University – As one of the Top 10 Green Campus versions of UI GreenMetric, Telkom University participated in the Workshop on Processing Plant Waste into Economic Value Products organized by Semarang State University (UNNES) and the Waste Solution Team UI GreenMetric in a series of UNNES 56th Anniversary events. This activity is held online through the ZOOM Meeting application on Saturday (20/03).

In the event, Telkom University was trusted to be able to share knowledge related to Campus Waste Management Solutions (Solikam) which was explained by Dr. Ir. Rina Djunita Pasaribu, M.Sc as the Vice-Rector for Resources at Telkom University.

Dr. Ir. Rina D. Pasaribu M.Sc in her presentation said that Telkom University always focuses on environmental management in the Telkom University campus area, one of which is the I-Want-based leaf waste processing program (Integrated Waste Management System).

“Currently, the production of leaf waste on campus reaches 1 ton/day, so there is a need for an integrated Waste Management system that provides added value in the leaf waste treatment process which involves the role of all Telkom University Academics,” he said.

Dr. Ir. Rina D. Pasaribu, M.Sc also added that the I-Want program shows how the input process of a waste production runs, the process (separation, sorting, and processing of waste), output (added value of a product) such as compost, concrete blocks, flower pots, paving blocks, crafts, etc. become the outcomes in the form of a well-monetized product so that in the end it will be self-sustained and integrated with the use of Digital Technology Support.

“In the process of Input, Process and Output, it is formed in a cycle that is integrated with existing and technology-based programs such as the implementation of the Smash program, the Serial FIT Waste Bank (BSFB), and the monetized and sustained gunnies at the university level,” he said.

There is also a presentation from Prof. Dr. Ir. Amin Retnoningsih, M.Si, as the Head of the UNNES Conservation Development Unit regarding the making of resin-based craft using plant waste and Dra. Widowati, M.Pd as the UNNES Leaf Bone Craft Rasendriya Team.

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