LLDIKTI Region IV Neo Feeder Socialization

sosialisasi neofeeder

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University had the opportunity to host the socialization of academic reporting activities through the Neo Feeder application for Private Higher Education (PTS) Operators at LLDIKTI Region IV.

This socialization was conducted online via zoom meeting, and broadcasted through the LLDIKTI Region IV youtube channel Monday (20/6).

Quoting from the dikti.kemdikbud.go.id page, Neo Feeder is the latest version of the PDDikti Feeder application to synchronize university data to the Forlap database. Through this update, Neo Feeder offers a variety of new conveniences. It includes integration with the Merdeka Campus, data collection on the National Student Registration Number (NISN), faster prefill process. This application is also equipped with the latest microservices technology, multi-platform operating system, ease of direct updates to applications, a more user-friendly interface, and fresh. Also, it is supported by the latest technological innovations to help managers in universities to organize, report and synchronize the data.

Head of LLDIKTI Region IV Dr. M. Samsuri said that a principle-abiding university indicates that it depends on the Higher Education Database (PDDikti). If PDDikti is not good, then it is certain that the university is not managed properly, because the reporting system is in PDDikti.

“PDDikti can be our raw data for monitoring evaluation for both internal and external quality assurance purposes. Therefore, PDDikti is crucial to be addressed properly by every university,” he said.

Dr. Samsuri added that the change from feeder to Neo Feeder is to make this reporting system better, while at the same time making data security better so that there are no system leaks.

“I advise all Neo Feeder admins or operators that the reported PDDikti must be valid and accountable. We hope that this socialization will be able to increase the understanding of admins/operators so that the data reported is 100% accurate and valid and accountable,” he said.

The Head of LLDIKTI Region IV also expressed his gratitude to Telkom University for being willing to host this socialization event.

“Telkom University is a big and superior university, I hope Tel-U can provide support to other universities so that together we can improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.” 

Vice-Rector I for Academic Affairs Dr. Dadan Rahadian expressed his pride and gratitude to LLDIKTI Region IV for the opportunity given to Telkom University to host this event.

“Thank you to all parties who have entrusted Telkom University to host this event, hopefully together we can improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.” 

This event also invite Prof. Tjitjik Sri Tjahjandarie, Ph.D., as Acting Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and a panel discussion by Franova Herdianto, S.Kom., M.T.I. as the data and information sub-coordinator, the directorate general of Diktiristek, and Abdul Naser Rafi’i A, S.Si as the data analyst of the Ministry of Education and Technology.

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