Telkom University Students Create Public Complaints Application and Supervision of Regional Infrastructure Development called SIPANDA

BANDUNG, Telkom University – One of the student teams of Telkom University created a solution application for the Regional Infrastructure Complaint and Supervision System or SIPANDA for short. This application can help the community as well as the government/agencies to monitor the progress of infrastructure development that is and will take place.

This application was created by five students majoring in Information systems, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, including Ahmad Faris Hisyam Maulana, Dea Rahman Fauzi, Muhammad Azaria Widyadhana, Nur Muhammad Fadhilah, and Nur Rizki Rahmatulloh. This application was developed in May 2021 and is still being refined to this day. The SIPANDA mobile application which is intended for residents is still in the process of being uploaded to the Play Store. Meanwhile, the website version for the government and contractors/vendors can be accessed through the page.

Then how does this application work in creating information disclosure in infrastructure development? SIPANDA allows the community to see the progress of infrastructure development and its budget. In addition, it can also provide suggestions and criticisms of its development. For Governments/Agencies, SIPANDA can be used to monitor development progress and use the budget. The government can also see feedback from the public.

Another benefit that can be obtained from the presence of the SIPANDA application is to make the community more active and critical of development policies in an area. This application can also be a forum for public aspirations to the government. Interestingly, the SIPANDA application was made by Telkom University students who became an intermediary application between the community and the government.

The reason behind making this application is to create transparency and reciprocal relationships between the community and the government. Given that the disclosure of public information from the government is the right of every Indonesian citizen.

Referring to Law no. 14 of 2008, concerning Openness of Public Information, it is explained about the importance of public openness to realize transparent, effective, efficient, and accountable participation and state administration, then public disclosure is a human right of every citizen.

We realize that infrastructure is an important element of an area, good infrastructure conditions will have a positive impact on the economy, social, security, and comfort of residents. To create this, it is necessary to cooperate between the community and the government for mutual reciprocity in the process of development, improvement, and reporting of infrastructure projects (roads).

“Currently we have submitted a proposal to Bandung Regency for the implementation of the application, hopefully shortly it can be used by residents of Bandung Regency as a first step, and hopefully it can be used by Indonesian citizens to make Indonesia’s infrastructure better.” Said Fadhil, a member of the SIPANDA development team.

During application development, the students were guided by Mrs. Warih Puspitasari S.Psi., M.Psi, as a lecturer in Information Systems at Telkom University.

“Alhamdulillah, the campus (Telkom University) has been helping preparations for advancing Monev preparation (PKP2) such as providing presentation techniques, providing internal money, monitoring the progress of PKM readiness, and also proactively helping to provide suggestions and input if there are difficulties in making applications that we don’t understand,” explained Fadil.

Mrs. Warih Puspitasari as the supervisor also hopes that this application can have a positive impact and help reduce the level of corruption in Indonesia.

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