Target Market Analysis Material by Telkom University Lecturers at Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School

Materi Analisa Target Market

A series of community service program activities carried out by Telkom University, a collaboration between 3 faculties, including the Faculty of Business Communication, the Faculty of Applied Sciences, and the Faculty of Business Economics for PPBD Assistance in the Telkom Tourism Vocational School continues. This community service is carried out to prepare the HR of SMK Pariwisata Telkom to welcome the New Student Admission (PPDB).

The event that just took place on January 13, 2022, located at the AULA of SMK Pariwisata Telkom Bandung, this time focused on how to target the market that suits the needs of the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School. The activity lasted for three hours and was delivered by three great presenters including, Mr. Refi Rifaldi Windya Giri, ST. MBA. , Mrs. Rah Utami Nugrahani, Ph.D, and Mrs. Berlian Primadani Satria Putri, S.Ikom., M.Sc.

The speaker delivered a presentation that focused on the actual situation of the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School, starting from the delivery of theory to understand the basics of how to determine the target market to provide solutions to the problems experienced by the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School. The material presented includes the Admissions Funnel, Market Segmentation, determining the target market, and doing group practice on how to find out the persona or character of the students who attend Vocational School of Tourism Telkom Bandung. Giving material to the PPDB Team of the Telkom Tourism Vocational School regarding the target of marketing activities was the main highlight in the activity, one of which was the emphasis that their marketing targets were prospective students and prospective parents.

To welcome the New Student Admissions (PPDB), the speaker conveyed the importance of knowing marketing concepts that is Admissions Funnel. “Admission Funneling is a marketing concept where schools will be able to communicate with potential consumers according to their language, content appropriate, and delivered at the right time. By understanding the admission funneling process, the PPDB team is expected to be able to work more effectively and efficiently in implementing their marketing programs,” said Refi Rifaldi.

The activity showed enthusiasm from the participants to find out various solutions and problems that might be solved, especially in determining the target of digital marketing activities starting from market segmentation. Right on target, and more effective and efficient,” said Berlian Primadani when presenting material on market segmentation.

The material presentation continues with a discussion of the target market. A target market is a group of potential consumers who have the exact needs or characteristics decided to be served by a company. The target market is one of the essential factors in marketing activities. Other marketing communication activities,” said Rah Utami Nugrahani.

In addition, the use of social media, websites, and various other digital media is an excellent opportunity for Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School to reach many new prospective students. “Make social media and company websites a showcase for potential consumers,” said Refi Rifaldi. It is undeniable that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the prospective new students and prospective parents of students experience difficulties finding out how the condition of the school is, whether it is to see the facilities or the quality of the teaching staff. Therefore, the use of social media can be an excellent opportunity to get many new students according to the segmentation and target market of the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School itself.

In social media, we must first find out what parents and students use social media, then identify the behavior of both parents and students in finding their best school. So all of them are right according to the segmentation and target market managed by the Telkom Bandung Tourism Vocational School. In addition, the use of social media can also be done by doing cross-media, namely using one content material that is uploaded in various social media. It can simplify and shorten creating content in various social media.

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