Tel-U and UII Collaborate to Achieve an Independent Campus

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Tel-U) as the first Private Higher Education (PTS) to declare Free Learning, Independent Campus in March 2020, continues to be committed to creating the best generation for the nation.

On this occasion, Telkom University with the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) held an independent campus webinar series entitled “Welcoming an Independent Campus for Higher Education in Indonesia” which was attended by universities in Indonesia through the Zoom application, Wednesday (19/8).

Also attending this event Prof. Nizam Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti), Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. In his presentation, Prof. Nizam said that along with the industry-changing, the world of education must also adapt to the situation. Learning can come from anywhere, and come from anywhere.

“The revolution in higher education is currently essential. It is to avoid the broken link between the world of education and the world of industry, in the future students must be able to fulfill their respective passions and lecturers are not the only source of knowledge available for these students.” He said.

To create an outstanding character in a collaborative and competitive academic culture in higher education, Prof. Nizam said that 6 aspects must be applied. There are General Education where there must be an understanding of Pancasila and national insight, then leadership development, lecturer mentoring where lecturers not only accompany in class but also in various activities outside teaching and learning, then the fourth is Civic Intelligence, responsibility, and participation, the fifth is an entrepreneurial mindset and the sixth is lifelong learning.

“To deal with industrial changes that are happening very quickly, we both educators and students must be aware that they must be lifelong learners to survive in every changing era.” He explained.

Prof. Nizam reminded all tertiary institutions to continue to link and match with industry, this is to open a universal space for students to learn from the real world.


“Higher education is a gateway that connects with the real world that will be faced after completing higher education. Therefore, through this independent learning on an independent campus, we want higher education and industry to collaborate to make the university a spring for the industrial world itself. society and for nation-building. ” He said.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Dr. Hetifah Sjaifudian as the resource person at this webinar said that following Indonesia’s dream in 2030, which is to be ranked 7th (Seven) of the world’s largest economic power, Indonesia must prepare the best human resources to meet this dream.

“In the current pandemic, we are required to be able to solve the problems faced, how to prepare our students to be able to solve problems in society creatively, therefore the challenge for Indonesian human resources in the future is that we must prepare creative and human resources. able to be a problem solver. ” He said.

In the world of education in Indonesia, Hetifah added that currently, the inequality of education in Indonesia is still very large, where the reach of proper education for all people, especially in remote areas, is still a focus for equitable education.

“We have to think about how children in remote areas can access proper education, in the current conditions we want teachers and educators to be able to provide a decent quality education for our children in the regions through distance education, and able to help provide the best innovative solutions for schools in the area to get proper internet access. ” He explained.

Dr. Hetifah Sjaifudian also said that the collaboration between the two best private universities in Indonesia today is a form of commitment to higher education in producing a golden generation for the nation.

“Of all the innovations that have been successfully produced by Tel-U, it is only natural that Tel-U won the title of the best private campus in Indonesia. Likewise, UII has contributed a lot to the world of education in Indonesia, therefore through this forum, we are very happy that these two campuses can collaborate, we from Commission X hope that higher education in Indonesia can have quality content for the nation’s children, by utilizing technology that we create ourselves. ” He said.

Chancellor of Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya said that the collaboration that took place today between Telkom University and the Islamic University of Indonesia is a goal of the world of education in producing human resources that are appropriate for the progress of the Indonesian nation.

“Because our goals as higher education are the same, namely to produce the best human resources for the advancement of our nation together,” he said.


Besides Prof. Nizam and Dr. Hetifah Sjaifudian, also attended as a resource person in this event was Prof. Fathul Wahid, Ph.D. Chancellor of the Islamic University of Indonesia, Dr. Imam Djati Widodo Vide-Rector for Academic Development & Research, Indonesian Islamic University, and Dr. Dadan Rahadian Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs at Telkom University.