Tel-U Student Team Crowned as Winner in Business Competition 2021

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The Telkom University student team won the Business Competition at the 2021 Management Creativity Festival (MCF). MCF 2021 is an annual event organized by the Student Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University.

The Telkom University student team, led by Syadza Adila (S1 Accounting), Irfan Rizki (S1 MBTI), M Hartsa Qinthar (S1 Information Systems) and guided by Lecturer Sisca Eka Fitria, won 1st place in the competition. Business Competition is a business competition aimed at the general public, MSME players aged 15-28 years. In this competition, each individual/team participant is required to create a Business Model Canvas (BMC) and present the business in the final round.

Irfan as a team member explained that his team is currently starting a startup in the graphic design field called Gravis Indonesia. Gravis Indonesia is a marketplace that is engaged in the creative industry and is here to provide solutions for clients who need design services instantly.

Currently, the public’s interest in building a digital business is very high but is constrained by the preparation of product branding strategies, besides that there is currently a lack of forums for designers to develop their market. Through this, Irfan and his team saw an opportunity for a fast design service.

“We also offer services based on the budget which is our mission to increase client efficiency,” he added.

Irfan also told about the beginning of his team participating in the Business Competition at the 2021 MCF event. “So, when we first participated in this MCF event, we first received information from the Instagram homepage, then we saw that the theme was following Gravis Indonesia. Because we are also expanding our network, one of which is by way of competition, then we join this event,” he explained.

Currently, Irfan and his team are also preparing to advance to the International event in December. “Of course we want to have a more distant and acceptable relationship in the Asian startup community and even the world. We hope that we can make Indonesia proud, especially Telkom University and Bandung Techno Park.”

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