Telkom University Created the First AUMR in Indonesia for Disinfection and Sterilization of the COVID- 19 Patient Isolation Room

2. Robot AUMR Pertama di Indonesia

The suspect and positive patient of Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) in Indonesia are increasing. Various attempts were made, one of which was to isolate suspect or positive patients from COVID-19. Disinfection and Sterilization of the isolation room are necessary to eliminate or reduce the contamination of microorganisms (including COVID-19) both attached to objects (equipment), floor or air.

The risk of interaction between the medical team and COVID patients is considered immense, and to reduce the risk requires a method or tool that can effectively disinfect and sterilize remotely.

Based on prior reasons, Telkom University (TelU) realizes that the role of the university is mandatory to overcome COVID-19. Therefore, as the No. 1 Private University in Indonesia, especially in technology and One of the Widyapadhi Awardee in Indonesia (Innovation Field Award), Tel-U wants to make its best contribution by making an innovation tool, the Autonomous UVC (Ultra Violet type-C) Mobile Robot (AUMR). AUMR can be used to disinfect and sterilize isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients without direct human intervention. That way, COVID-19 transmission of medical personnel can be minimized.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya stated that “This AUMR Robot is the first robot in Indonesia. It has been used in several countries previously, and the price is relatively affordable”.

AUMR is a collaboration product between Tel-U and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) to assist the Indonesian government against COVID-19.

AUMR Robot process:

  1. When Biological organisms are exposed to UV rays in the range of 200nm and 300nm; the rays will be absorbed by DNA, RNA, and protein;
  2. The absorption causes the breakdown of protein cell walls and the death of the organism;
  3. The UVC rays absorption by DNA and RNA (in particular the timim base) cause inactivation of the double strand of DNA or RNA through the formation of thymine dimers;
  4. In enough numbers, dimer is produced in DNA and DNA replication process will be disrupted and the cell cannot replicate.


AUMR can be operated for 5 hours, while for the UVC work system it can take around 1 hour. Also, AUMR has been equipped with ultrasonic sensors to avoid the crash. For control, AUMR is available in 2 control modes, namely Remote Control Mode and Autonomous Control Mode (line tracking/laser range navigation).

After the UVC Trial process was conducted in the Cibinong LIPI lab, the results stated that UVC in the AUMR was able to stop the development of microbes.

The Director of Research and Community Service, Angga Rusdinar, Ph.D. said that “Through the AUMR Robot, we expect to contribute to the medical team that is struggling to help COVID-19 patients. Besides, the process of disinfection and sterilization can be done remotely without entering the isolation room so that the COVID-19 exposition can be avoided”.

In the future, AUMR Robot will be implemented at Hasan Sadikin Hospital and Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital and it is expected to be mass-produced and distributed to other hospitals in Indonesia, especially those dealing with COVID-19 patients.