Telkom University Officially Open The Innovation Product Showroom

gallery inovasi telkom university

BANDUNG, Telkom University: Having a myriad of research and innovation results, Telkom University (Tel-U) now has a showroom for dozens of innovations that have begun to be exhibited at the Telkom University Innovation Gallery (TUIG).

TUIG was inaugurated by the Chancellor of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, Monday (14/11) at Bandung Techno Park (BTP). In this inauguration, the Director of BTP, Dr. Koredianto Usman, said that the Telkom University Innovation Gallery aims to facilitate and provide understanding and knowledge regarding innovative and startup products at Telkom University and programs in BTP for visitors.

“This gallery is open to the public, not only academics but can be utilized by the wider community, besides that the existence of this gallery is also a form of BTP support to realize Tel-U’s vision to become a Research & Entrepreneurial University.”

Koredianto further said that at the Gallery’s opening, dozens of innovations and startups were on display, both in the form of posters and products.

“Academics create around 20 innovations from all faculties and ten startups under the guidance of BTP, and later through collaboration with PPM and RC (Research Center) and heads of KK (Speciality Groups), we will always update collections every semester,” Koredianto said.

The Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, welcomed this Gallery. According to him, the presence of TUIG would encourage the academic community to realize Telkom University’s vision.

“This is the beginning of Tel-U to become a digital ecosystem, where from this ecosystem can realize not only Tel-U’s dreams but the big dreams of the Indonesian nation,” said Prof. Adiwijaya.

The Rector further said that growing the ecosystem to a greater extent is measured by the number of innovations produced and how many people can be involved in it.

“That way, more and more innovators will be produced from this (Tel-U) so that more and more innovations will be felt by the community, both in the industrial and government worlds.” said Prof. Adiwijaya.

Author: Adrian | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Public Relations

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