Erik Meijer: Millenial Generation Must Have Morals

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BANDUNG, Telkom University – Entering the industrial era 4.0 many challenges will be faced by future generations, one of which is moral and ethical risks.

This was conveyed by the CEO of Telstra Telkom Erik Meijer when he delivered his keynote speech at the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration In Business, Technology, Information and Innovation (SCBTII) organized by the Telkom University Faculty of Economics and Business at El Royal Hotel on Thursday (11/15)

“For future generations who will create technology in the future, it must be made so that the technology does not cause negative impacts on wider community and the environment, therefore academics who are now educating the generation that will make innovations in the future must provide a high moral understanding.”

Dr. Astrie Krisnawati as chairman of the 9th SCBTII committee reported that this year’s International Conference SCBTII produced 74 papers from Asia and Europe.

“This year there are 74 papers came in to SCBTII from Indonesia, the Netherlands, Japan and Malaysia, and at this conference there will be presented around 67 papers with reviewers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India and Singapore.” She explained

At this event panel discussions also took place with the topic of “Empowering Disruptive Innovation and Technology Data to Foster Inclusive Development and Sustainability”. The speakers included Barbara Igel, Professor of Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Sulfikar Amir Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore , Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D. Dean of the Telkom University Faculty of Economics and Business and Dr. Andry Alamsyah Big Data Scientist & Director of Digital Business Ecosystem Research Center Telkom University