S1 Telecommunications Engineering Study Program Organized FTTB Drafter Training

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Bandung, Telkom University – SKO Laboratory (Optical Communication System) Study Program (S1) of Telecommunications Engineering organized FTTB (Fiber To The Building) drafter training on Saturday (3/11) at N314 Building, FTE (Faculty of Electrical Engineering) Telkom University. FTTB drafter training is an exclusive training on the design of optical networks from the central point to the building. In the training process field simulations are carried out so as to provide experience for participants who will later be useful in their job world, because this training is carried out by trainers who are competent in their fields.

By simulating in the field and presenting reliable presenters from their fields and supported by competent trainers, this training provided experience like a professional Drafter and would  very useful in job world in the future.

The annual activity was held since 2015, in the third year the number of participants of 2018 FTTB TRAINING DRAFTER was 29 people consisting of Telkom University students and other higher institutions among others ITENAS (National Technology Institute) Bandung, ITS (Sepuluh November Institute) Surabaya, and Jakarta Open University.

The event was attended by FTE Deputy Dean I Dr. Erna Sri Sugesti and was opened by SKO Lab Advisor Akhmad Hambali, followed by presenters from Telkom Access Isdianto.

Sumber : bit.ly/TelUTizenJournalism(Ahmad Hambali)