Event Category: Events


ATU Net GTech 2022

ATU Net GTech 2022 Global Technovation Hackathon (GTech) 2022: “Harnessing Innovation to Combat Climate Change” is a short program designed by ATU Net members which will be hosted by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). All students from ICT, Engineering, Management and Business academic backgrounds are welcome to participate in ATU-Net GTech 2022. Program Period of GTech […]

ACT June


International Office of Telkom University proudly presents AFTER CLASS TALK 2022 on SDGs Series Still raising two main topics on SDGs and International Student Series, the ACT 2022 invites international students, professional and academics to deliver a sharing session in any fields of interest and related to any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) […]

BCM 2022

PreEvent Bandung Creative Movement 2022

3rd WEBINAR: PreEvent Bandung Creative Movement 2022 “Sustainability on Performing Arts ” Speaker: Abdul Hadi Sadikin Rachmat “The Inevitable Relatability of Performing Arts in The Everchanging Times” & Dr. Ranti Rachmawanti, S.Pd., M.Hum. “Perform [in] Arts: Time – Space – Creativity” Moderator: Marissa Cory Agustina, S.Ds., M.Sn. Thursday, June 16th, 2022 13.00-15.00 WIB Live on […]


Sukses Masuk Dunia Kerja: Starter Kit

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat terdapat sekurangnya 2.700.000 pencari kerja terdaftar di Indonesia pada tahun 2021 lalu, dengan 5 provinsi di Pulau Jawa sebagai provinsi dengan jumlah pencari kerja terbanyak. Pandemi Covid-19 berperan besar menambah angka pengangguran di Indonesia. Sebanyak 21,32 juta Angkatan kerja produktif terkena dampak dari pandemi Covid- 19 yang telah berlangsung selama […]

Temu Promotor S3 Informatika

Temu Promotor S3 Informatika

Temu Promotor S3 Informatika (Specialized In Data Science & Cyber Physical System) Dengan Tema: Responsible Artificial Intelligence Pembicara : 1. Prof. Dr. Suyanto, S.T., M.Sc. – Promotor 2. Agung Toto Wibowo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. – Kaprodi S3 Informatika Acara ini akan dilaksanakan pada : Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 20 April 2022 Pukul : 10.00 WIB Zoom […]

Event Worksop Bisnis

Event Workshop Bisnis

[Event Workshop Bisnis] Halo #TelUTizen! Bandung Techno Park mengadakan Workshop mengenai bisnis, kali ini dengan tema Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) untuk melindungi bisnis anda Speaker 😕 Geraldi Gunawan – Intellectual Property Expert Sentra HKI Tel-U Tanggal : Senin, 11 April 2022? Pukul : 09.00 – 11.00 WIB? Via : Zoom Meeting? Link registrasi 😕 https://bit.ly/BTPBizWS1 […]

P2A Virtual Mobility

P2A Virtual Mobility in Computer Science & Technology

P2A Virtual Mobility in Computer Science & Technology P2A invites Telkom University’s students, especially students in technology disciplines, to join Short Course Program: “P2A Virtual Mobility in Computer Science & Technology” under the theme: ASEAN GEN Z (ASEAN Go! Explore New HoriZone). This short course program will be taken place in May-June 2022 virtually. Program […]

Australia for ASEAN Scholarship

Australia for ASEAN Scholarship

Australia for ASEAN Scholarships Australia for ASEAN scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of leaders from ASEAN member states in taking Master Program. Program Period: Scholarships will be offered for commencement in 2023. Application Deadline: 29 April 2022 Registration Link: https://oasis.dfat.gov.au/Function/Home/Default.aspx Priority Field of Study The priority […]

ACT April

After Class Talk April

International Office of Telkom University proudly presents AFTER CLASS TALK 2022 on International Student Series Still raising two main topics on SDGs and International Student Series, the ACT 2022 invites international students, professional and academics to deliver a sharing session in any fields of interest and related to any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals […]