P2A Virtual Mobility in Computer Science & Technology
P2A invites Telkom University’s students, especially students in technology disciplines, to join Short Course Program: “P2A Virtual Mobility in Computer Science & Technology” under the theme: ASEAN GEN Z (ASEAN Go! Explore New HoriZone). This short course program will be taken place in May-June 2022 virtually.
Program Period:
14 May-18 June 2022
Application Deadline:
29 April 2022
Internal Registration Link:
Applicants Eligibility:
1. TelUtizen coming from technology disciplines.
2. Being passed the nomination step of this short program.
3. Having excellent academic records and good honors.
4. Having good English communication skills.
Further info kindly accessed:
- Start Date:04/29/2022
- Start Time:00:00
- End Date:04/29/2022
- End Time:23:30
- Location:Telkom Universirty
- Website:https://io.telkomuniversity.ac.id/short-course-program-in-computer-science-technology-p2a/