Calling all aspiring entrepreneurs! Don’t miss your chance to shine at The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards-Entrepreneur (IISMA-E) 2024! Registration is now OPEN! Ready to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality? Seize this golden opportunity to showcase your innovative ideas, network with industry leaders, and take your entrepreneurial journey to new heights. PROGRAM PERIOD: 6-7 […]
Hai Telutizen!! Bergabunglah dalam acara Industrial Sharing bertema ‘Industry-Academia Partnership Program’ yang diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Kemahasiswaan, Karir, dan Alumni bekerja sama dengan LG CNS Indonesia! Acara akan dimeriahkan dengan pembicara yaitu Bapak Indrajaya Pitra Perdana. Simak informasi detailnya di bawah ini: Tanggal: Rabu, 8 Mei 2024 Waktu: Pukul 10.00 WIB Tempat: Gedung Damar, Telkom University […]
Welcome to UPWARD 2024 Incubation Program! UPWARD is a collaborative incubation program designed and managed by Bandung Techno Park (BTP), Telkom University, and MDI Ventures for startup founders to grow your businesses through idea and market validation, business model development, and synergy collaboration. The program will be conducted for up to five months. By joining […]
In the face of escalating environmental challenges, the imperative for climate action has never been more urgent. As the global community grapples with the consequences of climate change, the need to incorporate sustainable practices into our everyday lives becomes increasingly paramount. By embracing sustainability in all facets of our existence, from the products we consume […]
Calling all Telkom University students and fresh graduates! ? Exciting news awaits! Get ready to level up your skills with Tel-U X LG CNS JavaC#Oracle Fusion Institute Earn a valuable certificate, receive an allowance, and open doors to potential job opportunities! Stay tuned for more details. #ComingSoon #TelU #LGCNSIndonesia #TelUCareer
Hai Telutizen! Kamu mau meningkatkan skor EPrT®? buat persyaratan sidang atau kenaikan tingkat? EPrT®? 101 on Stage balik lagi! EPrT®? 101 on Stage adalah acara yang diadakan LaC khusus buat kamu yang pengen tahu lebih banyak lagi tentang tes English Proficiency Test (EPrT®?), masih bingung, atau masih kesusahan ngerjain soal-soalnya. Di acara EPrT®? 101 on […]
Step into the global tapestry of Ramadan with us! Join our After Class Talk this month and explore the vibrant traditions and cultural nuances of “Ramadan around World”. Limited seats available – reserve your spot now! Don’t miss out on the chance to gain valuable insights and exclusive benefits including e-certificates and exciting door prizes. […]
Hai TelUtizen! Ayo ikut meriahkan FAST Kampus Ramadhan 2024, temukan beragam keseruan di Dermaga Ramadhan Tanggal : 27-28 Maret 2024 Waktu : 13.00 – Selesai Lokasi : Plaza Masjid Syamsul’Ulum Telkom University Jangan lewatkan Bazar UMKM yang penuh warna, Hijab Class, Alumni Talk Show yang menginspirasi, dan nikmati penampilan musik Islami yang menggugah hati. Segera […]
Hai FASTers! FAST Kampus Ramadan kembali hadir tahun ini dengan tema “Merajut Kebersamaan di Era Digital: Memperkuat Ukhuwah & Menebar Manfaat untuk Umat”. Setelah serangkaian side event, acara puncak akan ada talkshow dan penyerahan secara simbolis donasi. Tanggal : Jumat, 29 Maret 2024 Waktu : 14:00 – 18.00 Lokasi : Masjid Syamsul ‘Ulum, Kampus Telkom […]
Direktorat Kemahasiswaan, Karir dan Alumni berkolaborasi dengan Fakultas Teknik Elektro khususnya prodi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi dalam kegiatan Alumni Be Coach bersama pemateri yaitu salah satu alumni Telkom University S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi 1995, Pak Dudi Nugroho yang merupakan Analis Kebijakan Ahli madya , Kemendesa PDTT. Materi yang akan dibawakan dengan tema “Eksplorasi Potensi: Meningkatkan Softskill Lulusan […]