SOFTSKILLS EXPO 2022 OPTIMALISASI SOFTSKILLS DALAM PENDIDIKAN MENGHADAPI KEBANGKITAN PASCA PANDEMI ERA 4.0 PELAKSANAAN ACARA 9-10 April 2022 08.00 – 12.00 WIB Live Zoom dan Channel Youtube OPENING SPEECH Kepala LLDIKTI Wilayah IV Jawa Barat dan Banten Dr. M. Samsuri, S.Pd., M.T KEYNOTE SPEAKER Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Dr. H Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, BBA., […]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom dengan bangga mempersembahkan Short Online Training dengan tema : “Pros & Cons of Digital Asset, NFT, and Metaverse (Part 1)” Pembicara 1 Professor Dian Masyita Ph.D Expert of Islamic Finance & Banking Universitas Padjadjaran Pembicara 2 Herry Irawan, MM., MT. Dosen dan peneliti Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom […]
INHA University sekarang menerima aplikasi untuk TelUtizen yang ingin mendaftar Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa untuk Semester Musim Gugur 2022. PERIODE PROGRAM Semester musim gugur 2022 (29 Agustus-16 Desember 2022) TENGGAT WAKTU APLIKASI 18 Maret 2022 LINK PENDAFTARAN INTERN KURSUS YANG DITAWARKAN PEMOHON LAYAK MENDAFTAR UNTUK PROGRAM PERTUKARAN 1. TelUtizen 2. Lulus tahap nominasi program […]
Fungsi Komunikasi dalam Tata Kelola Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE) di Indonesia Indonesia yang berada di daerah tropis sekaligus terletak di antara cincin api Pasifik (ring of fire). Membuat negara ini memiliki sumber daya energi terbarukan (EBT) yang melimpah. Hal ini membuka peluang bagi para investor dan pelaku bisnis untuk hadir dan bersinergi […]
Online Joint Class in Deep Learning Telkom University, Indonesia & Batangas State University, Philippines are calling for participants to join in the 2nd session of the Online Joint Class with the topic: “Deep Learning” Speaker: 1. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, lecturer at Telkom University 2. Dr. Jeffrey S. Sarmiento, lecturer at Batangas State University Day/Date: Thursday/February […]
International Office of Telkom University proudly presents AFTER CLASS TALK 2022 on International Student Series Still raising two main topics on SDGs and International Student Series, the ACT 2022 invites international students, professional and academics to deliver a sharing session in any fields of interest and related to any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals […]
2022 FALL SEMESTER STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM AT KIT Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea expects TelUtizen to join the Student Exchange Program at KIT for Fall semester 2022. PROGRAM PERIOD September 1st, 2022 to December 22nd, 2022. APPLICATION DEADLINE April 10th, 2022 REGISTRATION LINK APPLICANTS ELIGIBILITY 1. An active Telkom University student 2. […]
Hanya sedikit orang yang beruntung bisa mewujudkan ide bisnisnya, salah satunya adalah Kamu Iya…Kamu… Mahasiswa Telkom University Kelompok Keahlian Software Engineering, Fakultas Informatika, mempersembahkan DIgital Business Idea COMpetition (DIBICOM), ajang adu ide kreatif mahasiswa dalam bidang bisnis digital. ? Detail ketentuan, kriteria, dan timeline terdapat pada poster ? Narahubung: 0813-1680-1158 Kesempatan tidak pernah memilihmu, […]
Virtual Conference The advancement of today’s computing technology has driven people to generate a vast amount of data with the size and variety that have never been experienced in the history of computing. The need to process and analyze big data attracts researchers interest to prepare solutions. ICoDSA 2022 is organized by Telkom University and […]
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand is calling for students from ATU-Net member institutions, including Telkom University to participate in Global Project-Based Learning Camp 2022. PROGRAM PERIOD 17 to 24 March 2022. APPLICATION DEADLINE 20th February 2022. REGISTRATION LINK APPLICANTS ELLIGIBILITY 1. An active Telkom University student 2. Having excellent academic records and good honors […]