Family of Tel-U Welcomes Month of Ramadhan

Welcome ramadhan

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Marhaban yaa Ramadhan. Welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, Telkom University (Tel-U) held a gathering for academic community, on Tuesday (16/6). All leaders, lecturers and staff participated gathered at the Hall Faculty of Applied Sciences (FIT) to follow the event.

” Thank God we can congregate to welcome the holy month of Ramadan. The occasion is a form of gratitude. This gathering will cleanse our hearts, forgive each other in welcoming the month of Ramadan, ” said Rector of Tel-U, Prof. Mochammad Ashari, M. Eng., PhD in his speech.

He said the relationship between the academic communities will support the institution better. A cheerful heart creating a conducive environment. So it can complete a good job with a good outcome.

In line with the Rector, Ustadz Maman Suherman Anwar gave a talk at the event said that Ramadan should be colored with performance achievement. ” Fasting without improvement targets themselves means nothing, except just hungry and thirsty, ” said Maman.

At the time of the Prophet, he said, many achievements of Muslims that occurred in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is not only a month full of blessings and rewards, but also as a month and a civilization builder milestone in the struggle.

Therefore, this Ramadan can also be utilized to contribute to the development of civilization in the future. ” Let us fill our shaum with worship and achievements. In order for our fast more meaningful, not just a tradition of hunger and thirst, ” Maman cap. (Purel / risca)

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