- Telkom University Scholarship, is a scholarship program intended for prospective new Telkom University students which can be obtained through several scholarship channels such as the Outstanding Achievement Path (JPU), Academic Achievement Path (JPA), Best 3, etc.
- Competition Scholarship, is a scholarship intended for SMA / SMK / MA students throughout Indonesia. The Scholarship Path is a selection path through an online test.
- Religious Scholarship, is a scholarship for students who have religious achievements or are active in spiritual management for Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism from high school, vocational school, and the equivalent.
- The Telkomsel Service Association Scholarship, is a scholarship intended for SMA/SMK/MA students throughout Indonesia. This scholarship is only open to a few majors, namely S1 Informatics, S1 Information Systems, and S1 Visual Communication Design.
- BUMN APERTI Scholarship, is a scholarship organized by the BUMN Higher Education Alliance (APERTI), namely Telkom University (TEL-U), PLN Technical College (STT PLN), Pertamina University (UP), College of Logistics Management (STIMLOG) Semen Indonesia International University (UISI), Poltek POS, BRI Institute of Technology and Business (BRI Institute), and Telkom Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITTS).
- The Independent College KIP Scholarship, is a scholarship selection route held for high school / vocational / MA students with economic limitations but excel to continue their studies in college.
- IDCloudhost Scholarship, is a scholarship organized by IDCloudhost in collaboration with Telkom University.
- West Java OSIS Forum Scholarship, is a scholarship specifically intended for OSIS management students in West Java.
- OSC Scholarship, is a scholarship program held in collaboration with Medcom. OSC itself (Online Scholarship Competition) is the first online scholarship competition in Indonesia, held by news & video site Medcom. id.
Diversity and Inclusivity
Telkom University has students, lecturers and academic staff from almost all corners of the country. An inclusive environment and diversity lead Telkom University into the public spotlight. Parents, students, and lecturers are eager to study at Telkom University. The big family of Telkom University comes from various islands, tribes and also different cultures ranging from Aceh to Papua. Telkom University students come from 33 provinces in Indonesia.

Regional Community
The diversity of Indonesia is seen through the various cultures that develop in the community. The variety of students' origins motivates a group of students to create a community to reunite students from the same region. This Student Regional Community (UKM Daerah) also contains student associations from various regions from all over Indonesia. As a young generation, Telkom University students have a role to increase nationalism because it contains social values ??and is a challenge to maintain and inherit to the next generation. Through this UKM, students will learn about various cultures and exchange knowledge about the culture of their area. The students also can concentrate on improving the quality of coaching in the world of art and culture from their region as well as channeling student interests and hobbies in the arts, motivating aspirations, creativity and love for the nation's cultural arts.
Disability Facilities
Not escape the attention of the campus, friends who have physical limitations have also been given special facilities while studying at Telkom University. Friends in wheelchairs need not worry, because the campus has provided wheelchair access to lecture buildings, mosques and so on. In addition, Telkom University also has parking facilities and special toilets for disabilities so that it will make it easier for friends with disabilities. The support for the learning system is also made to provide comfort for friends with disabilities. The learning system facilities are the 'Buddy' Community, Counseling Services, Friendly User Interface, Learning System with Special Inclusive Curriculum for Disabilities and Disability Access Map. These facilities are made so that comfort while studying at Telkom University is maintained. This facility will continue to grow in line with the needs of friends who have limitations.
In addition to facilities for disabilities, Telkom University also pays close attention to the students with the financial limitation issue. Telkom University provides scholarship programs for eligible students who has a talent, interest, and strong determination to study at Telkom University. The various types of scholarships given are full and partial scholarships. Scholarships are awarded from various internal and external parties. Internal parties usually provide scholarships to students who have competitive achievements by providing tuition fee-cutting scholarships with a certain amount according to the level of achievement. The following is a list of scholarships provided: