142 Telkom University Students Joint the 2021 Awakening Program

Program Bangkit 2021

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Indonesia needs 600 thousand digital talents every year. At the same time, the industry also needs skilled talents of a high caliber. But unfortunately, this is so difficult to fulfill. Therefore, Google in collaboration with Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka launched Bangkit. This program has produced graduates who are experts in Machine Learning and Android Programming or Cloud Computing who are now working in many fields. This awakening is also a program of the Merdeka Campus of the Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

The opening of Bangkit 2021 was held on Monday (15/02) which was broadcast live via the Google Indonesia Youtube channel, KEMENDIKBUD RI and DIKTI. This event was attended by prof. Dr. Nizam as Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Paristiyanti Nurwardani as Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Industrial Partners and University Partners.

Prof. Dr. Nizam as Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia said that now we are in the future with a smart system and various advances. This Awakening Program will build the competence of the participants to become digital leaders in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

“Currently, if we look at the world, digital technology has developed rapidly. In the years ahead, when you graduate from college, the world that you will enter is a new world that is very different from what it is today. Therefore, as the younger generation, we all have to prepare ourselves to have competencies that are in line with future needs, “he said.

Dr. Nizam added, currently, we are seeing the birth of Unicorn and Decacorn in the world as a whole and Southeast Asia in particular. Of the 10 Unicorns and Decacorns born in Southeast Asia, 5 of them were born and raised in Indonesia. This shows that millennials are extraordinary with creativity and innovation based on competence and ability in the field of technology, especially in digital technology and AI in particular.

“Of course we must accelerate this and encourage more digital startups based on technology, creativity, and innovation from Indonesian universities,” he said.

Based on the data, in the next 10 years, the potential for the use of AI and Digital Technology in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, could have the opportunity to generate new economic value. Among those who will generate new economic values ??are the participants who will take part in the Bangkit 2021 program.

William Florance as Educational Program Lead. The Asia Pacific. Google explained that in the 2021 Awakening Program there were 40,000 applicants from all over Indonesia, then 3,000 participants from 250 universities were selected who successfully passed this program. 77% of them are students in semesters 6-7.

In this program, participants will be trained and accompanied by coaches who will help develop the career of each participant. At the end of the program, those who are the best participants will receive training from Stanford University through a special program that has been prepared.

“The enthusiasm for the youth is to learn and hone themselves through this program. Please prepare yourself optimally and optimally so that later you can produce a better future, based on technology and the skills needed today. I congratulate all students who have been selected for this program, “he said.

In the 2021 Awakening Program, 142 Telkom University students from 9 study programs have successfully passed this program. Hopefully, the 2021 Awakening Program, it can accelerate the birth of digital talents and leaders in Indonesia to build a more advanced digital economy.

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