Bandung, Telkom University – The case of radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia has been disturbing to the public, and the campus often targeted for perpetrators of radicalism and terrorism. There is no place for the radicalism and terrorism movement inside the campus, so that all elements of the nation including those in college are obliged to combat it.
This was stated by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) Prof. Muhammad Nasir at the anti-radicalism declaration of university in West Java which took place in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Friday (14/07).
“The campus is an academic community, a scientific society that thinks academically to advance the nation of Indonesia, therefore do not let the campus become the center of radicalism and terrorism” Said Nasir.
The anti-racism declaration was attended by 44 state and private universities in West Java where in the declaration agreed to declare antiradicalism in the campus environment.
Declaration read out by the rector of the Institute of Indonesian Culture Arts (ISBI) Bandung Dr. Hj. Een Herdiani, S. Sen., M. Hum., Contains 4 points, among others:
1. We hold fast to the position of society, nation and state of the Unity of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Pancasila as the ideology and Life View of the Indonesian nation, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 and the spirit of Bineka Tunggal Ika;
2. We are determined to prepare and form a young generation that has a strong, democratic, honest, just and virtuous spirit of nationalism by upholding the values, academic ethics, human rights, pluralism, harmony, unity and unity of the nation with the insight of the archipelago;
3. We reject organizations and activities oriented and / or affiliated with radical movements, terrorism, and / or civic organizations / political organizations that conflict with Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the laws and regulations;
4. We invite all components of the nation to make efforts to prevent the spread of ideology and / or movement of radicalism, terrorism and / or ideology that is contrary to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan said the campus, whose majority of the content is the generation of the nation must be free from the radicalism that has been very developed, “when we want to strengthen the nation, then the campus is what we must make it first, because from the campus will be born generations that will Become the leader of the nation “he said.
The Declaration was also attended by Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara, Major Secretary of BNPT Major General TNI R. Gautama Wiranegara, and Chairman of the Board of Rectors of Higher Education throughout Indonesia. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardyanto, M.Sc., in addition there are representatives of members of the House of Representatives, representatives of the TNI and Police, representatives of leaders and students of 44 State Universities and PTS in West Java.
The event closed with the signing of anti-radicalism declaration banners by all university rectors in West Java followed by singing Indonesia Raya song.