Abdimas Tel-U, Held Workshop About Net Zero Emission

“The contribution of Telkom University lecturers and students in reducing Net Zero Emission in RW 09 Pandanwangi, Cijaura Village, Bandung and providing understanding to residents about the government’s SDGs in the use of new and renewable energy (EBT)”

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Low carbon and Net Emission Zero development in 2060 has been programmed by the government of the Republic of Indonesia to support the vision of a golden Indonesia in 2045.

One of the focuses of the program launched by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia is the use of New and Renewable Energy throughout Indonesia. The use of renewable energy that has long been used in Indonesia is solar power which is relatively abundant because of Indonesia’s geographical position, which is on the equator. This energy is quite widely used as a source of energy for street lighting.

In response, students and lecturers from the D3 Digital Connectivity Study Program, Faculty of Applied Sciences and S1 Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University (Tel-U) carried out community service at RW 09 Pandanwangi, Cijaura Village, Buah Batu sub-district, Bandung.

Together with the surrounding community, Tel-U students and lecturers installed ten solar-powered street lighting lamps in several locations where the lighting was minimal. The installation of public street lighting (PJU) is carried out without giving additional burdens to residents.

Based on the survey conducted by the Abdimas Tel-U team to the surrounding community, the head of RW 09, H. Erawan Hayat, said that the Net Zero Emission (NZE) delivered to the community is expected to increase awareness of the importance of reducing carbon emissions in the surrounding area.

“With this kind of counseling, we are increasingly understanding and aware of the importance of education related to energy use. Through the use of energy-efficient solar-powered PJUs, we hope to reduce approximately 50% of the use of fossil energy which is currently the main source of available electricity,” he said.

The team from the D3 Digital Connectivity Study Program, Aris Hartaman said that this activity involved fellow students as a form of learning material for students in the field. Besides that, this activity would be sustainable with monitoring through an application program on a smartphone.

Agreeing with Aris, Denny Darlis, a team from D3 Digital Connectivity, added that apart from smartphones, later monitoring can be done through a website page. “We hope that monitoring of reducing carbon emissions can become our main focus so that together we can create a sustainable environment.”

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