Event Category: Events

IELTS Webinar

IELTS Webinar

Applying for IISMA? Join IELTS Webinar with the British Council to familiarise yourself with IELTS to get the best results! Register now: bit.ly/IELTS-IISMA23 Registration is open for limited seats until Thu 8 Dec 2022

Role Model Pahlawan Nasional

Lomba Foto “Role Model Pahlawan Nasional” CoCA November 2022

Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pahlawan dan CoCA November 2022, Direktorat Pengembangan Karir, Alumni dan Endowment mempersembahkan: Lomba Foto “Role Model Pahlawan Nasional” CoCA November 2022 Tema: “Pahlawan Inspirasiku” Unggah Foto diri/grup menjadi PahlawanNasional favorit yang menjadi inspirasimu dengan ketentuan berikut: – Merias diri semirip dan sekreatif mungkin sesuai dengan pahlawan yang dipilih mulai dari kostum, […]

Produk Inovasi BTP 2022

Sosialisasi Program Hibah Komersialisasi Produk Inovasi BTP 2022

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Salam sejahtera. Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen Universitas Telkom. Dengan hormat, Dalam rangka mendukung Telkom University menjadi Research and Entrepreneurial University pada tahun 2023, yang berperan aktif dalam komersialisasi produk-produk hasil inovasi, sehubungan dengan hal itu, kami mengadakan Sosialisasi Program Hibah Komersialisasi Produk Inovasi BTP Skema Riset Tematik Tahun 2022. Kami bermaksud mengundang Bapak/Ibu […]



[INFO: TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION SOCIALIZATION 2022] Halooo Sobat Kompeten Masih bingung milih Skema yang cocok untuk Sertifikasi? Atau masih bingung apa sih sebenernya Sertifikasi itu? Yuk ikuti Sosialisasi Sertifikasi bersama TUK FEB Diacara ini sobat kompeten akan dijelaskan mengenai pelaksanaan pelatihan, uji sertifikasi, jadwal, biaya, skema skema yang tersedia hingga tips and trick agar bisa […]



Computing Certification Center (3C) Fakultas Informatika Telkom University bekerja sama dengan Hendevane (HTP) menyelenggarakan pelatihan dan sertifikasi: CERTIFIED SECURE COMPUTER USER (CSCU) secara Online. ??? Silabus: Introduction to Security || Securing Operating System Internet Securitty || Malware and antivirus Security on social networking sites || Securing email communications Securing mobile device || Securing the cloud […]

Pros & Cons of Digital Asset, NFT, and Metaverse (Part 1)

Pros & Cons of Digital Asset, NFT, and Metaverse (Part 1)

Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University proudly presents Short Online Training with the theme: “Pros & Cons of Digital Asset, NFT, and Metaverse (Part 1)” Speaker 1 Professor Dian Masyita Ph.D Expert of Islamic Finance & Banking Universitas Padjadjaran Speaker 2 Herry Irawan, MM., MT. Lecturer and researcher of the Faculty of Economics and […]

Fall Exchange Program 2022 at INHA University

Fall Exchange Program 2022 at INHA University

INHA University is now receiving application for TelUtizen who want to apply for Student Exchange Program for Fall Semester 2022. PROGRAM PERIOD Fall semester 2022 (August 29th-December 16th, 2022) APPLICATION DEADLINE March 18th, 2022 INTERNAL REGISTRATION LINK https://bit.ly/InternalRegINHAFall2022 COURSES OFFERED https://bit.ly/infoINHAFall2022 APPLICANTS ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY FOR EXCHANGE PROGRAM 1. TelUtizen 2. Passed the nomination step […]

Fungsi Komunikasi dalam Tata Kelola Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE) di Indonesia

Communication Function in New Renewable Energy Governance and Energy Conservation

Communication Function in New Renewable Energy Governance and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) in Indonesia Indonesia, which is located in the tropics, is also located between the Pacific ring of fire (ring of fire). Making this country has abundant renewable energy (EBT) resources. This opens up opportunities for investors and business people to attend and synergize with […]

Online Joint Class in Deep Learning

Online Joint Class in Deep Learning

Online Joint Class in Deep Learning Telkom University, Indonesia & Batangas State University, Philippines are calling for participants to join in the 2nd session of the Online Joint Class with the topic: “Deep Learning” Speaker: 1. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, lecturer at Telkom University 2. Dr. Jeffrey S. Sarmiento, lecturer at Batangas State University Day/Date: Thursday/February […]