Academician Must Possessed an Intellectual Integrity


BANDUNG, TEL-U – The academician need to understand what plagiarism is, what the legal effect, as well as the technology which can help avoid such crimes. But above all, the academician must have the intellectual integrity that became the main stronghold of plagiarism.

It is conveyed in “Library Open Discussion: How to Avoid Plagiarism” in the Multimedia Room of Bangkit Building Telkom University (Tel-U), Tuesday (21/6). The speaker specialist field of โ€œIntellectual Property Rightโ€ Dr. Henry V. Soelistyo Budi, lecturer and researcher on Telkom University Dr. Adiwijaya, and trainer on i-Thenticate (check plagiarism tools), Ririana.

On his presentation, Henry said that plagiarism considered as scientific fraud consisting of actions to manipulate the facts or publishing the work of others, deceive the public, undermine the values ??of objectivity, and dishonesty. Henry also introduced the term self-plagiarism where a researcher doing the recycling work so that it becomes a double publication in more than one media.

“Penalties for plagiarist in higher education is constituted on Permendiknas No. 17, 2010. The heaviest sanctions are dishonorable discharge and cancellation of certificates for lecturer and students. This sanction has been applied in several universities, so be careful, “said the author of” Plagiarism: Copyright and Ethics Infringement “.

Complementing this, Adiwijaya shared about his experiences in making scientific work. Until today, there are at least 40 paper works of Vice Dean from School of Informatics Telkom University indexed Scopus / ISI. According to Adi, there is no easy way to make paper. The academics had to think hard and open, and regardless of what happens in the world. That way, he can avoid plagiarism.

“The important thing also is the originality of the ideas. I think every human being has a brain and mind of each, so the result would be different. If there were similar research, you can name it, “he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Admissions & International Office Telkom University Rinna Fridiana said, Library Open Discussion is a routine activity conducted by team of Knowledge and Library Resources Unit Telkom University. Every month, the Library Open Discussion invite competent key note speaker to discuss popular issues which is relevant to the current conditions and the future. Rinna expected that academicians and the general public can advantage these discussions as a forum to enrich the knowledge. (Purel / lib)

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