Again, Telkom University Wins APICTA Awards 2022

Bandung, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – Another international achievement was won at the 2022 APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance) Awards in Pakistan. The event, which has been held since 2001, was attended by more than 200 teams from all countries in Asia Pacific. In this year’s event, Telkom University sent two teams, namely the Amons team consisting of Team AMons I Putu Bagus Erix Wijaya (S1 Informatics), Mar’i Fauzan Rambe (S1 Informatics), Michael Fernandito Sanfia (S1 Information Technology), Adelio Ferhan Soebroto (S1 Information Systems); and the Digital Stethoscope Team consisting of Muhammad Rafli Ramadhan (S1 Informatics), Nariswari Yoga Nandita (S1 Informatics), Nur Afina Rahmani (S1 Informatics), Wandi Yusuf Kurniawan (S1 Informatics). Both of these teams fall into the Student Tertiary category.

Satria Mandala, Ph.D., as the supervisor explained that Amons is a system to monitor arrhythmias from anywhere and anytime by utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Amons uses artificial intelligence to detect and predict several types of arrhythmias such as Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC), Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC), Atrial Fibrillation (AF) which are often found in Stroke patients, and Ventricular Tachycardia/Ventricular Fibrillation (VT/VF) arrhythmia types which are deadly.

Amons can be used on Android as well as a computer or laptop. On Android, Amons’ predictions are almost real-time and are focused on lethal arrhythmias, namely VT/VF. When VT/VF is found, an alert will be sent to the server to be forwarded to the doctor. For applications on computers or laptops, detection and prediction are carried out for all four types of arrhythmias (PVC, PAC, AF, and VT/VF). However, on a computer or laptop, the detection and prediction are on-demand because it serves many users.

As for the Digital Stethoscope team, Satria Mandala, Ph.D. explained that a Digital Stethoscope is a stethoscope that has more capabilities than an ordinary stethoscope. Digital Stethoscope is equipped with the ability to predict Valvular Heart Diseases (VHD) or heart leaks.

The Digital Stethoscope System has an android application and a web-based application on a computer or laptop. Recording and prediction of heart sound data for VHD can be done on Android or a laptop computer. For this, just like Amons, the digital stethoscope is also equipped with machine learning-based VHD predictions.

Among the stethoscope hardware, android applications and web applications on computers or laptops are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. VHD detection on Android is carried out in real-time and alerts will be sent directly to the server to be forwarded to the doctor so that it can be opened in a web-based application on a laptop computer. On the server, heart sound data is predicted on-demand because it has to serve many patients for VHD detection.

Satria hopes that this achievement can continue to be improved and that Telkom University can win the championship. “Excellent achievement, hopefully in the future it can be improved so that it becomes a Winner,” he said.

APICTA itself is an alliance of ICT organizations to build and enhance networks to increase cooperation in the ICT field and increase technological innovation and encourage the development of ICT for the global market.

While the APICTA Awards are an international award program that aims to increase ICT awareness in society and help bridge the digital divide, this program is designed to stimulate ICT innovation and creativity, enhance economic and trade relations, facilitate technology transfer and offer suitable business opportunities through exposure to venture capitalists. and investors.

Author: Sonia Dewi | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Telkom University

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