Agus Sutiono Shares Experiences to Alumni and Students

04 26 Agus Sutiono Berbagi Pengalaman Kepada Para Alumni dan Mahasiswa

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Sharing Ramadhan Telkom University in collaboration with FAST with alumni is still ongoing, on the 3rd day of its implementation, this time Agus Sutiono Pamuji, an Electrical Engineering 94 alumni, will share his experience while working outside Indonesia.

Agus currently works as a Consulting Principal at Amdocs – Center of Excellence Lead, Philippines. In sharing Agus gave his experience on how to make students or alumni who just graduated want to work abroad or want to continue their education abroad.

“For students who want to work in the global industry, the first thing to do is to be able to adapt well, and the thing that must be possessed is to have a global contact relationship, and continue to be maintained, right now Telkom University alumni have worked a lot. overseas, establish relationships with them so that in the future opportunities can be opened. ” He said.

Agus, who was once joined in the senate of the Telkom University research and development division in 94 (STT at that time) said that do not ever be ashamed to try and continue to forge the widest possible friendships that would open the way in the world of work.

“During my college days I participated in many activities, ranging from HIMATEL, UKM to laboratory assistants, from there I wanted to establish good connections with everyone, don’t be shy to try new things, keep learning new things.” He said.