APTISI Region VI Learns MBKM Implementation In Tel-U

The Association of Indonesian Private Universities (APTISI) paid an onsite visit to Telkom University, which took place on Tuesday (24/05). The purpose of the agenda of this visit is related to Improving the Quality of Private Universities and the Implementation of Independent Learning, Merdeka Campus (MBKM), which was held at the Auditorium of Gd. Damar Telkom University.

Telkom University Academic Director Dr. Citra Kusuma Dewi warmly welcomed the group from APTISI Region VI, which consisted of various campuses. According to him, the implementation of MBKM continues to be adjusted by Tel-U to be fully implemented.

“When the government started promoting the MBKM program, Tel-U was at the stage of launching a new curriculum. So we can adapt the curriculum to the industrial revolution 4.0. To minimize the gap with the industry, we continue to improve the quality and update the curriculum according to current needs,” said Citra.

The participants’ enthusiasm for various educational institutions was very high, as seen by the many participants who asked questions during the discussion session related to Higher Education Quality Improvement by Dr. Ade Romadhony and the Implementation of the MBKM Program by Dr. Kusuma Dewi.

Chairman of the II Surakarta APTISI Regional VI Commissariat VI, Central Java, Prof. Singgih Purnomo, M.M., hopes for further collaboration between campuses in APTISI Wil.VI and Tel-U. According to him, through this visit, it is expected that there will be a relationship between Tel-U and universities that are members of APTISI Wil. VI. “We want to know how the Tel-U campus implements MBKM. To become a benchmark for higher education in our region so that they can immediately implement the program. In addition, it is hoped that campuses in our area can establish further collaborations such as MoUs, Joint Research, student and lecturer exchanges,” said Singgih.

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