As a Telecom Infra Project Representative, Telkom University Participates In International Discussion of Urban Connectivity Solutions

ZOOM – June 1, 2021: Again, Facebook organized a discussion on Facebook connectivity in Pakistan. Telkom University is the only Indonesian representative to be one of the panelists in the forum entitled “Urban Connectivity Solutions for an Inclusive Digital Economy”.  This event was organized by Facebook, the Pakistan Internet Service Providers Association (ISPAK), and the Telecom Infra Project (TIP).

Representing the only private campus in Indonesia and a member of the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), Lia Yuldinawati as Director of Strategic Partnership & International Office, Telkom University explained that in Indonesia, various stakeholders have worked together in accelerating the distribution of internet network connectivity to various sectors. Thanks to this collaboration, internet network penetration in Indonesia has reached 73.7% and continues to increase.

“In 2020, Telkom University as the best private campus in Indonesia was chosen as a university with the opportunity to become the first Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Community Lab in Southeast Asia and the 14th in the world with global collaboration between the Global System Mobile Association (GSMA), Telecom Infra Project (TIP), Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Ditjen SDPPI), Telkom University, and cellular network operators. Meanwhile, this collaboration aims to accelerate the distribution of digitalization and national connectivity through collaboration with the telecommunications industry and academia by launching the Community Lab Project (TIP).”

Panelists discussed domestic challenges and opportunities for developing strong connectivity in urban areas, including Facebook’s recent investment to bring a fiber backbone to the region.

The webinar covers several topics including challenges faced in meeting connectivity policy objectives, the presence and importance of building strong fiber broadband networks, and opportunities to embrace innovative urban internet connectivity and technology solutions with lessons from the Asian region.

This webinar was represented by several panelists from Jazz, Telenor Pakistan, PTCL, Nayatel, GSMA, The World Bank, Telkom University (Indonesia), Telecom Infra Project, and Worldlink Nepal.

International ICT Consultant, Parvez Iftikhar in his keynote speech said, “Connectivity is paving the way to an economically stable Pakistan. Affordable, high-speed, and reliable digital connectivity is a must. Fiber broadband solutions will be key, and we are grateful for the support that Facebook has provided in this regard. Today’s exchange of ideas – such as promoting infra providers in small cities – will take us one step further to ensure more inclusive connectivity.”

At the event, Alex Aime, Director, Network Investments – Emerging Markets, Facebook said, “It was a pleasure to hear the exchange of thoughts and expertise among today’s leaders. Access to high-speed and reliable internet connectivity is essential for growing small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring equitable access to public services, and a basic requirement for building smart cities. To meet the demands of new and existing network capacities, particularly in urban areas, innovative business models and technology solutions need to be identified and adopted. This is critical if Pakistan is to achieve its digital vision of an inclusive and sustainable knowledge-based economy.”

In a note, the founder of the Pakistan Internet Service Providers Association (ISPAK) — Wahaj Siraaj said, “Broadband operators, like medical workers, have been at the forefront during the pandemic to connect people. Customer expectations for Internet speed and quality are skyrocketing and operators must find innovative solutions to meet and exceed these demands. The openness and inclusiveness of the Internet have opened the gates of innovation and job creation in Pakistan and this spirit needs to be strengthened. It’s time for operators to innovate fast, expand coverage quickly and scale up fast so that digital connectivity is easy, affordable, and reliable. We hope our exchange of ideas here today will ensure practical steps forward to building a stronger Pakistan.”

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