BANDUNG, Telkom University – Bandung Techno Park (BTP) received the award of Science and Technology Award Widya Kridha Year 2017 from the government through the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia. This award was directly handed over by Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla on Thursday (10/8) at the peak of National Technology Awakening Day (Hakteknas) celebration which was centered in Makassar on August 10, 2017. Anugerah Widya Kridha is a gift to appreciate the achievement of non- Government and community groups for their dedication and contribution in strengthening innovation in society.
The basic assessment of Science and Technology Widya Kridha includes quality planning in mobilizing and supporting innovation; Capacity of human resources or competence in support of innovation; Infrastructure, infrastructure, and working methods; Fostering and strengthening the culture of innovation; Information systems or documentation; And innovation.
Bandung Techno Park which was inaugurated by the Minister of Industry on January 19, 2010 located in Telkom Education Area, South Bandung. BTP is an institution that acts as an intermediary and builder synergy between Academic, Business, and Government or commonly known as Triple Helix A-B-G. In its journey, BTP also plays a role in facilitating Product Research and Development, Incubation and Startup Acceleration, Industrial Cluster, and serving Technology Solutions, Training and Consultation. The synergy and support of Telkom University and the institutions under the Telkom Education Foundation further strengthened the positioning of BTP.
Currently BTP led by Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya is determined to be a Good Corporate Governance by implementing Solid, Innovative and Sustain cultural values. BTP has competent human resources and some infrastructure that stands over an area of 5.5 hectares, such as Management Center, Business Center, Startup Center, and Innovation Center in the form of laboratory facilities and hardware and software devices. The establishment of a culture of innovation within the BTP is carried out by the establishment of innovative, sustainable, research & business-based industry clusters and developing startups in information technology. Some innovations that have been commercialized and used by the community include Studia (e-learning Platform), LoraID (Long Range Identification System) – Presence Management, Pentesting (Penetration Testing), CAKEP Pilates (Quick Accurate Credible Effective Professional), Mobile Presence System , Production Line Counter, Automated Guide Vehicle, Mobitick (Bus Ticketing System), uKit (Microcontroller Training Kit), Posture Check, Knowledge Management System, Dashboard Monitoring System, and others
Adiwijaya hopes that the award received by Bandung Techno Park is not only a pride but also a responsibility in carrying out the mandate for the strengthening of innovation in order to achieve the acceleration of regional economic growth and the achievement of the competitiveness of Indonesia.
-Fika (Bandung Techno Park) –