Bandung, Telkom University – School of Informatics (FIF) Telkom University, Dr. Bayu Erfianto, S.Si., M.Sc, acquired a PhD in Electrical Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology on Friday (03.03.17). Bayu obtained his PhD with a dissertation entitled “Design with Flocking Protocol Preserving Connectivity in Multi Agent System”.
“There are two issues that are discussed in this dissertation. The first issue is how to build a crowd stable protocol involving three heuristic rules, namely cohesion, separation, and alignment of speed with the aim to maintain communications connectivity “Bayu explained.
Bayu said that this study is conducted to any agent that always in full control and do not collide with other agents. “Protocols crowd stable means that the agents are free from collisions, can avoid obstacles, and all agents can achieve a predetermined goal position, as well as wireless communication can be maintained. Simulation and simple experiment has been conducted to prove that the design of the control protocol can work in a real environment, “he said when interviewed in Space Faculty of Informatics.
“For me personally, I expected that Telkom University more actively to develop this research. Thus, in the future, it could be cooperation with other institutions to be actively involved. It is also a step to support the development of robotics at telecoms research university. “Bayu lid.
Adnan Abdullah