BRIN and Tel-U Collaborate to Develop Metaverse

Kerjasama BRIN dan Tel U

Bandung, Telkom University – The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) visited Telkom University on Wednesday (12/1). The visit aims to strengthen collaboration between the two institutions in the development of Metaverse technology which is increasingly being discussed.

Plt stated this The Head of the BRIN Informatics Research Center, Dr. Didi Rosiyadi, M. Kom. He said that the development of Metaverse had to be done immediately, considering that the implementation of this technology would be so comprehensive later, such as virtual student learning, for example.

“Metaverse seems to have become a new medium that we need to study and prepare together. We think Tel-U is one of the best partners in learning this technology. Hopefully, in the future, we will be able to produce good Metaverse works for the country,” said Didi.

Tel-U’s Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T. conveyed that Tel-U has many facilities that can be used together to develop Metaverse.

“Tel-U has several Research Centers and Laboratory which are ready to use and are already available. Of course, we can use these facilities together to develop the Metaverse. We hope that this collaboration can be of benefit and contribution to the country in the future,” said Rina.

After the discussion, the BRIN group visited several Metaverse development facilities, including Lab. Telecom Infra Project (TIP), Advanced Intelligent Communications (AICOMS), Bandung Techno Park (BTP), and Telkom University Creative Center (TUCC).

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