Budiman Sudjatmiko Public Lecture

02 26 kuliah umum

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The COVID-19 pandemic forces us to use technology effectively, where all activities we undertake are fully using technology.

“Current conditions force us to carry out activities with technology, starting from college, working, even to meet our daily needs, living side by side with technology.” This was conveyed by the founder of the Innovator Movement 4.0 Budiman Sudjatmiko, while giving a public lecture at Telkom University, Friday (26/2).

In an event organized by the Computer Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, School of Electrical Engineering Telkom University, Budiman said that after the current pandemic, technological development will be even faster; therefore Indonesia must be able to see the future with mastery of technologies that will dominate. in the future.

“In the future, the technologies that will dominate are quantum computing, bioinformatics, atomic engineering, biological engineering, nanobiology, nanotechnology, semiconductors, and in the current pandemic, Healthcare is the sector with the most accelerated technological development.” He said.

In the event titled Innovator 4.0 and the Indonesian Silicon Valley Concept, Budiman explained that the idea of ??a silicon valley in Indonesia wanted to invite the younger generation to be able to change, from a technology-loving nation to a technology-producing nation.

“Currently, the Indonesian nation is still a nation that enjoys technological sensations, has not yet entered into a nation that understands and produces the essence of technology, only the sensation, therefore, through the idea of ??the silicon valley, I would like to invite the younger generation to be able to produce technology that can be useful for Indonesia in the future. ” He said.

Through Indonesia’s silicon valley, Budiman wants to build an ecosystem of progress and newness in Indonesia, here it is not only about technology, but all aspects ranging from art to even philosophy will also be there.

“It is because the life of art, philosophy and so on will affect the progress of innovation and the latest technology. There, in the future this area will become a special economic zone, industrial innovation, and technology 4.0.” He explained.

(1) Comment

  • widad 01/23/2022 @ 16:35

    Many thanks.keep up the good work

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