Canan Animation Crowned as 2nd Winner Category Animation at Gemastik 9

041116 Canan Animation Juara 2 Kategori Animasi Gemastik9

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Student of Telkom University (Tel-U) which is incorporated in Canan Animation Team won 2nd Place in the Animation Category Gemastik 9 event held at the University of Indonesia (UI) on 27 – October 29, 2016. The team consist of four students from Visual Communication Design (DKV) School of Creative Industries is accomplishment through animation work entitled “The Nomadโ€™s Esoteric Knowledge”.

Entitled “Enabling the Smart Society through ICT” Gemastik or National Student Exhibition of Information and Communication Technology is an activity that aims to improve the quality of learners in promoting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its utilization in Indonesia.

An annual event since 2007 under the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) Higher Education (Higher Education) is a media channeling the creativity of students in the development of Information and Communication Technology at the national level.

In 9th Gemastik, there are 10 categories that is namely programming, Gaming Application Development, Software Development, Data Mining, Network Security and Information Systems, Animation, Smart Devices & Embedded System, User Experience Design, Business Development of ICT and e-government.

According to Eko, one of the team, they create animation about a young man who returns to the village and see the problems in the village rat attacks that occurred in the fields of the farmers. Seeing the incident the boy had the idea to introduce the Internet to the farmers in order to facilitate farmers’ pest problems and was able to innovate and can create his own farm equipment.

“Actually, the idea was inspired by the time I return home to Sukoharjo, Central Java, and see the fields there are still only a rat infestations. In this animation we say there is a young man who wants to make the farmers in his village more intelligent and independent, which in our opinion Gemastik fitting for the theme this year, “he said.

In accordance big theme at Gemastik 9 Enabling the Smart Society through ICT, Eko said that the message contained in the animation is to educate and provide transparency to the villagers about the world of technology.

From the idea that they then make preparations about three months starting from the workmanship, image, dubbing, to post production. Their efforts bore fruit. Of the 11 participants in the categories of Animation, Animation Canan team won the Champion 2. Tel-U alone fielded two teams in this category. (PR / AW)

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