Bandung, 7 Maret 2023 – Telkom University terpilih menjadi kampus tujuan BUMN Goes to Campus (BGTC), sebuah program yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bertujuan memperkenalkan aktivitas dan transformasi BUMN kepada mahasiswa sekaligus menginspirasi generasi muda dalam mengembangkan talenta. Kegiatan ini berlangsung pada Senin (6/3) di Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH). […]
Under the responsibility to perform research as part of the Tri Dharma research assignment, Telkom University lecturers create a large amount of research each year. The quantity of research has to be handled and developed further by incorporating industry and MSMEs in order to create products with benefits and selling value. As a way to organize […]
Teknologi IoT sudah banyak dikembangkan di berbagai bidang industri, seperti pertanian, transportasi, kesehatan, dan lain-lain. keuntungan dari penggunaan teknologi IoT dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, mengoptimalkan produksi, meningkatkan kualitas produk, meningkatkan pengawasan dan kontrol, serta mengurangi biaya produksi. Oleh karena itu berbagai sektor sudah mulai menggunakan teknologi IoT, salah satu contohnya seperti proses pembuatan kerupuk Kamang di […]
The Directorate of Student Affairs Tel-U held the Inauguration of the Students Activity Units (UKM) on Friday (17/2). During this event, attending students were also provided training in Student Management Skills (LKKM). The inauguration of UKM is also an important opportunity for students to develop themselves, expand their network, and express their interests and hobbies […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – As one of the disaster preventions and mitigation measures in Indonesia, Telkom University creates an innovation product entitled PATRIOT-Net, which is a monitoring network system (SJM) with sensor and recovery network system (SJP) with mobile base station (BTS) to provide communication access and emergency data in the disaster-stricken areas. With the […]
BANDUNG, FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Nowadays, the opportunity to become an entrepreneur is getting wider. With digitalization, a student can get lessons to become an entrepreneur from anywhere. In this case, Tel-U, which has a vision to become the best Research and Entrepreneur campus in Indonesia, has an important role in instilling an entrepreneurial spirit to […]
Bandung, January 31, 2023 Telkom University through the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) held an accreditation workshop on Monday (30/1) which took place in the Auditorium in the Damar Building. This workshop aims to provide training to workshop participants in carrying out the accreditation process through the Independent Accreditation Institute of Informatics and Computer (LAM INFOKOM). […]
A total of 39 Emancipated Student Exchange (PMM) officially concluded their study at Telkom University (Tel-U) on Friday (30/1). The farewell ceremony for the inbound students took place at the Damar building as the last meeting before the students left Bandung the next day. The exchange students attended lectures at Tel-U for one semester from […]
To improve the welfare of MSMEs in Bandung Regency, lecturers from Bachelor of Communication Science and Bachelor of Accounting have made a collaboration to develop applications for basic financial management learning media that are accessible to MSMEs. Dudi Rustandi M.Ikom, a lecturer of the Communication Science (IKOM) Study Program, disclosed that the average MSMEs actors […]
Bandung, Telkom University – When entering her retirement, Dr. Amalia Djuwita said that her desire to share the knowledge gained when working in the field of public relations (PR) at PT Telkom Indonesia motivated her to work in the field of education. She said it on the sideline of the Executive Board of Telkom University […]