Category: News

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Telkom Applied Science School

Before transforming into Telkom Applied Science School, this faculty was known as Telkom Polytechnic which was previously established from 2 ICT training programs, namely STT Telkom Professional Program and NIIT & Telkom Center. Those two training institutions were then merged and formed a new vocational higher education institution. On December 27th 2007, Telkom Polytechnic was officially announced by Director of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. Bapak Rinaldy Firmansyah.

Telkom Polytechnic was present by carrying out missions to give contribution to Indonesian and people of the world by producing graduates that have international perspective and ability in competing globally. This is contained in the creed of “Giving and Caring the World.” KHAS (Knowledge, Hard skill, Attitude and Soft skill) Development System is the continual aspects to improve as guide to enter industrial world. The implemented learning system uses “Commence System” approach, namely: Coaching, Mentoring, and Coaching. This method is the appropriate medium for vocational education that focuses mainly on competency improvement in ICT.

As a new vocational higher education, the existence of Telkom Polytechnic immediately caused the increasing academic competition atmosphere. It was proven by some achievements, such as in 2011, Telkom Polytechnic won the third place in National Best Student, and in the following year, 2012, it won the first place in National Best Student. Besides that, Telkom Polytechnic team won the second place in National Polytechnic English Olympic in 2013, and in 2012, it got the third place in National University Debating Competition in Indonesia.

Telkom Polytechnic also established cooperation with industries. In the end of 2012, Telkom Polytechnic renewed the concept of Job Training in Industries, in which the students wouldbe engaged professionally in industries and get the similar treatment as regular employees. That means the students having job training in industries would get remuneration and other rights as employees. Up to 2013, there were more than 500 students hired by industries for having job training, such as more than 20 industries in telecommunication, bank, information system, media, consumer goods, and one of world organizations, namely International Labour Organization.
The facilities used are the results of technology development by Telkom Polytechnic internal team, namely lecturers and students involved. The established academic system got the attention from one of the best public universities in Bandung and some other universities from outside Java because it is acknowledged as integrated and reliable academic system.


Become excellent Vocational Faculty in the field of Management and Information & Communication Technology in Southeast Asia.



  1. Implementing the Three Pillars of Higher Education to develop society by upholding national values.


  2. Conducting transition to grow independently, sustainable, and have good vocational governance.


  3. Conducting innovation and development to increase added value of institutions and stakeholders.


Official Website

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Telkom Creative Industries School

Faculty of Creative Industries or Telkom Creative Industries School (TCIS) is the transformation of Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa dan Desain Indonesia Telkom or STISI Telkom as a pioneer in the field of Art and Design. It has the most comprehensive study programs focusing on producing graduates to be experts in the field of art and design, knowledgeable, and capable of maximizing the potential of entrepreneurship in order to be able to compete in Indonesia Creative Industries world.

Over 21 Years of its existence, there are more than 1,200 alumni of Visual Communication Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Textile and Fashion Craft programs who holds S.Ds.(Bachelor of Design) as well as Fine Arts who hold S.Sn. (Bachelor of Arts). These alumni have contributed significantly to the development of Indonesia’s Creative Industries through adverse portfolio of artwork and designs that are used in various industrial and construction sectors.

Telkom Creative Industries School programs are specifically designed to produce graduates who are not only able to work in the Creative Industries, but also has the potential of entrepreneurship or working independently and creating more jobs in accordance with the Creative Industries School Telkom motto: “Empowering You to Become Creativepreneur”. Telkom Creative Industries School students are trained to have strong skills in the field of Art and Design (both manual and computerized), with an emphasis on extracting natural resources and culture of Indonesia.

The programs are aimed at broadening and enriching concept of knowledge in the field of supporting science and other fields, including management, entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and Attitude to be professional designers and prospective creative humans in the future. All these skills are gradually refined and actualized through the CBC program (Creative Business Coaching), where prospective graduates develop creative business plan and portfolio of art and design under the guidance of lecturers and practitioners of the creative industries. CBC program gain support and financial assistance from Telkom Creative Industries School industry partners, Ministry and government institutions both national and local, Telkom Education Foundation, Financial Institutions and Banking.

The final result of this program is producing graduates who have the ability to be independent and competitive Youth Creativepreneur. At the end of the study, students are required to attend the Annual Telkom Creative Industries School Portfolio Exhibition, Festival & Competition, and Fashion Show.


Becoming a Leading University and the Center of Creativepreneur Development in the field of Creative Industries based on ICT and National Cultures

  1. Organizing Creativeperneurship Education to produce graduates and high quality services.
  2. Conducting Creativeperneurship Research to produce works that have an impact on the growth of the national creative economy.
  3. Devoting to the community through the implementation of Creativeperneurship that supports the improvement of social quality and community empowerment.


  1. Improve excellent quality of creative and innovative education and teaching as well as implement Creativepreneur according to the needs of industry. High quality of education and teaching can be improved through program development and research.
  2. Present institutional integration and transformation, which open opportunities of partnerships for various resources and facilities with other institutions under the Telkom Educational Foundation and Telkom Group to produce innovations that have a Creativepreneurship impact on the growth of the national creative economy.
  3. Synergize Telkom Group in producing works of research and product innovation in the field of Creativeperneurship through cooperation in various fields.
Official Website

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Telkom Engineering School

Engineering Faculty or Telkom Engineering School (TES) was formerly known as STT Telkom. It was the first educational institution in Indonesia focusing on ICT. IT Telkom is projected to prepare ICT experts who are skillful and insightful in business to meet the demands of the rapid development of ICT industry.

Institut Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom) was formerly known as Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom (STT Telkom). The establishment of STT Telkom was initiated by Mr. Cacuk Sudarijanto. He was well aware that in 1990, at that time, he was the Director of PT. Telkom, there must be a balance between the rapid development of information and communication technologies and the availability of qualified human resources. Since then, he who was called as “the Father of Telkom Transformation” by the Economic Observer established STT Telkom. STT Telkom was officially opened Friday, September 28th, 1990 at Gegerkalong Hilir – Bandung by the Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication, Mr. Susilo Soedarman. Since its establishment, IT Telkom was placed under the organization of Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT).

At the beginning of the establishment, IT Telkom campus was located in three different places. Campus 1 was on Jalan Soekarno Hatta. Campus 2 was on Jalan Geger Kalong Hilir. Campus 3 was on Jalan Penghulu Hasan Mustafa. In 1993, IT Telkom campus moved to Jalan Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu (current location). Then, a year later, all teaching and learning activities were centered on the new location. In the same year, IT Telkom Campus was officially opened by the President of Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto on March 24, 1994. Occupying a land area of 48 hectares, IT Telkom campus has good educational supporting facilities with beautiful sceneries so that teaching and learning process can be more conducive.

The purpose of establishing this campus was to meet the demand of the number of experts in telecommunication industries. PT Telkom was very interested in the institution, so that PT Telkom provided full scholarships and internship programs to the students of class 1991 and 1992. There was a climatic change in the telecommunication industry (PT Telkom no longer monopolizes the telecommunication industry), the scholarship and internship programs were discontinued. Now, IT Telkom graduates are not required to work at PT Telkom.

Thus, by the Year of 2017, IT Telkom strives to become a world-class university that excels in the areas of Information, becomes agents of change in producing intelligent and competitive human beings.


Become an international-standardized institute in the field of ICT and agent of change to produce intelligent and competitive human beings and contribute to prosperity of the nation.

  1. Providing international-standardized education to produce professional human resources in the field of information and communication.
  2. Conducting international-standardized research to develop science and technology andinnovationin the field ofinformation and communication.

  4. Conducting community service to activelybuild synergywith industries and community, nationally and internationally.
  1. Improve competitiveness of the institution to serve industry and community through information and communication.

  3. Produce graduates who are competent, able to work, develop themselves and possess entrepreneurship in the field of Information and Communication.

  5. Produce research and copyrights to meet the demanding needs of community and the rapid change in the field of Information and Communication nationally and internationally.
Official Website

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IM Telkom Award 2013: Hargai dan Motivasi Yang Berjasa

BANDUNG TEL-U– Bulan November memang dikenal sebagai bulan memperingati pahlawan dan orang yang berjasa pada sekelilingnya. Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB), Telkom University (Tel-U) tak mau kalah, ia juga memberikan penghargaan kepada orang-orang yang berjasa melalui ‘IM Telkom Award’, Jumat Malam (15/11/2013).

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ICIC Ajak Mahasiswa Ikuti Konfrensi di KIPI

BANDUNG TEL-U – International Competition Information Center (ICIC) Telkom University mengajak mahasiswa untuk mengikuti kompetisi paper di Konferensi Internasional Pelajar Indonesia (KIPI) 2014 mendatang. Karena akan banyak pengalaman berharga bagi mahasiswa selama mengikuti konferensi di sana.
Pada acara pertemuan ICIC di ruang Multimedia Learning Centre , mahasiswa Teknik Industri Adib Al-Haq sharing tentang pengalamannya saat mengikuti KIPI tahun ini.

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Senam Bersama Karyawan Tel-U

BANDUNG TEL-U – Untuk memelihara kesehatan karyawan dan dosen, Telkom University (Tel-U) menggelar olahraga senam bersama. Olahragayang dipandu oleh dua orang tim senam ini, juga dikuti oleh para pejabat di lingkungan Tel-U, seperti Wakil Rektor II, Hendratno, SE., Akt; Dekan Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK), Dr. Agus Ahmad; dan Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB), Dr. Ir. Husni Amani, MM., M.Sc, Rabu (20/11).-TEBS/KOMPRO TEL-U

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Kunjungan Dr.Thea Van Der Geestke FEB Telkom University

BANDUNG TEL-U – FakultasEkonomidanBisnis (FEB) Telkom University (Tel-U) kembali kedatangan tamu asing, Rabu (20/11). Tamu kali ini adalah Associate Professor in Communication StudiesUniversity of Twente, Belanda, Dr.Thea Van Der Geest .Kedatangan beliau disambut hangat Dekan FEB Tel-U, Dr. Ir. Husni Amani, MM., M.Sc dan jajarannya di Ruang Rapat Dekan.


Workshop: Role of Social Media For Asosiasi Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian And Asosiasi Sayuran Bandung

BANDUNG TEL-U– Telkom University Department of Industrial Engineering and Department of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry Bandung District entered into a collaboration to carry out community service program involving the Association of Agricultural Products Processing and Vegetable Association Bandung regency. Activities are conducted workshops for the role of Social Media and Marketing Communications. Activities were held on 11 and 12 November 2013 is housed in the building Learning Center and Training Room Industrial Engineering Department University of Telkom, featuring speakers Ferdian, ST, MT, Andika Bayu, ST, MT, Ina Yulanti, SH, MKN and his team of students.

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PT. Santosa Jaya Abadi (Kapal Api) Gelar Seminar &Rekruitment di FEB

BANDUNG TEL-U – Membekali mahasiswa dengan ilmu yang di sesuai program studi (prodi) dan bidang keilmuannya, tentu sudah pasti. Namun, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB), Telkom University (Tel-U) tidak hanya membekali mahasiswa dengan wawasan itu saja. Jelang lulus mahasiswa juga dibekali pengetahuan tentang teknik persentasi dan melamar kerja di perusahaan, melalui seminar kit yang digelar Career and Development Center (CDC), Tel-U, Rabu (20/11). TEBS/KOMPRO TEL-U