Chairman of Telkom Foundation Acknowledge Group Performance

Ketua Telkom Foundation

PURWAKARTA, TEL-U – Telkom Foundation Chairman Ir. Dwi S. Purnomo, MM gave a high appreciation to performance that has been demonstrated by management and Telkom Foundation family. “I really appreciate your high performance,” he said.

 The statement conveyed at Management Meeting (Rapim) II 2015 Telkom Foundation which held  for two days in Kota Bukit Indah Plaza Hotel, Purwakarta, West Java, on Monday-Tuesday (30/11 – 1/12).

This management meeting set “Strengthening the quality of education through synergy and focus, in realizing the 2016 efficiently and effectively program” as the theme.

Despite the high appreciation, Dwi reminded the entire leadership to not be satisfied with the existing achievements. “Do not be satisfied with the existing achievement because we must escalate our performance for next year,” he said.

The Committee Chairman, Dr Yati Rohayati 2015 said this meeting will be filled with a number of sessions which are all based on the 4R Olah Rasa, Olah Ruh, Olah Raga, and Olah Rasio. Besides attended by the heads of institutions under the auspices of Telkom foundation such as Akatel Jakarta, ST3 Telkom Purwokerto, Telkom School and Bandung Technopark, there were also six outstanding teachers from Solo and Padang. (purel / raf)

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