Bandung – Telkom Universty, Coinciding with National Awakening Day, Astacala Telkom University evinced their concern in solving environmental problems in Situ Cisanti Tarumajaya Village, Bandung Regency (20/5/17), by providing five pairs of trash And infographic boards to support cleanliness in Situ Cisanti.
The event was more special with the attendance of colleagues from Gunung Wayang Institute (IGW), students of SD Negeri 1 Tarumajaya and SD Negeri 2 Tarumajaya and the management of Situ Cisanti tourism area. Chairman of the committee “cleaning up Situ Cisanti”, Verli Harlina invited attended participants to see the deepth meening of National Awakening Day by raising the awareness to maintain and save the environment.
“May 20, 1908 was the resurrection of Indonesia in the background of awareness to unite and fight against colonialism, so today we must interpret the National Awakening Day to unite against the destruction of the environment,” said Telkom University student.
In addition, Astacala also delivers the results of map processing using Geographic Information System (GIS) which addresses the latest condition regarding the condition of the land around Situ Cisanti. Making a map of the change of land transfer function is intended to provide signs to all elements of society to be more aware in maintaining the area of Situ Cisanti.
The activity that is often initiated by Telkom University group of nature lovers is also intended to provide education on the importance of preserving the environment together, such as disposing of waste in place, especially also in distinguishing organic and inorganic waste.
Meanwhile, IGW chairman, Uus, also appreciated even claimed to be ready to assist in the effort to overcome the problem with Citarum estuary. “I am very glad to have someone from outside who cares about Citarum, I am ready to help if Astacala wants to do more activities,” said Uus.
Separately, Telkom University Rector, Mochamad Ashari, officially launched a workshop participant who is also part of green campus activity, an environment-based activity in the last year has become a separate concept for Telkom University.
“One of our shared responsibilities is to keep the environment clean, beautiful and calm, so that students not only learn from the classrooms, but everywhere during the campus environment” he said in the inauguration followed by hygiene workers and university leaders.
Similarly, the responsible of green campus as well as the vice rector of resource field Ir. Nelson Rikardo Pasaribu describes, environmental safeguards are a joint effort, across stakeholders. “We strive for this, for the comfort and freshness of the campus environment, so that students can linger in the university environment” he concluded.