Cooperation Reporting Acceleration Program and Collaboration Collaboration Launching

Bandung, Telkom University – One of the Telkom University lecturers became a speaker at the Launching of the Cooperation Reporting Acceleration and Collaboration Program held by the Region 4 Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) on Monday (21/3). This program aims to improve cooperation between universities and various agencies/institutions.

She is Lia Yuldinawati M.M., who currently serves as Director of the Strategic Partnership & International Office (SPIO) and a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Telkom University. On that occasion, he presented material about the Acceleration of Higher Education Partnerships Through Collaboration.

“The scope of cooperation that universities can optimize is certainly quite wide, including joint facilities & research, student exchange, internships, academic programs, virtual connectivity labs, etc. Tel-U itself through SPIO opens up opportunities for cooperation from various parties to immediately realize the target of LLDIKTI IV,” said Lia.

The SPIO unit can be a special division of Telkom University accepting external parties’ cooperation. It follows the directives of LLDIKTI, which targets that by 2024, all private universities in LLDIKTI IV already have and cooperate with various agencies or institutions.

It follows what the Head of LLDIKTI IV stated, Dr. M. Samsuri, S.Pd., M.T., which targets that by 2024, all universities in the LLDIKTI IV area already have SOPs and cooperation roadmaps.

“In 2024, it is hoped that universities will have a structured cooperation roadmap. We also have a cooperation target of around 100 MoUs. I also expect 50% of college students to have certified internships.” Samsuri said.

At this event, the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed between LLDIKTI Region IV and PT. Cellular Telecommunications (Telkomsel) related to this topic.

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