JAKARTA, TEL-U โ Nowadays, entering the era of 4th evolution or the digital age, Telkom University (Tel-U) continued to prepare students and graduand with the provision of three pillars. It was delivered by the Rector, Prof. Ir Tel-U Mochamad Ashari, M Eng, Ph D at “Industrial Human Development Summit” held by Telkom University Career in Dua Mutiara 2 Ballroom, JW Mariott Hotel Mega Kuningan Jakarta, Tuesday (23/8).
“We prepare the SDM with three pillars, there are ICT literacy, globally life order, and nurture the entrepreneurial mindset, in order to solve complex problems in a creative way,” said Rector.
The event was held in order to explore information from the industry to determine the direction of higher education development, that will help Tel-U to prepare an appropriate output which meet industrial need Moreover, universities are the “spearhead” of the relevance of Human Resources (HR) with the changing times.
The theme “Developing human resources by Link & Match Concept” the event was attended by the leaders of Tel-U and representatives of 40 companies absorbent Tel-U graduand include PT Telkomsigma, PT Huawei, CTI Group, Indomarco Prismatama, Infomedia, Kompas Gramedia, Indosat, Artajasa, and PT JIEP.
He added that this event was an introduction at the same time interactive discussions between industry and Tel-U. “There has been the dean of each faculty attend this event, so that you could discuss and share information on preparation in the industrial world,” he said.
This event was hosted by TV Kompas presenter, Ayman Witjaksono who is also the graduand of Telkom University. (Purel / aw)