Developing Course Excellence through Content Creation

The Telkom School 2022 PPDB Digital Marketing Assistance Team has assisted the Telkom 1 Medan PPDB Vocational School Team via Zoom Meeting on Monday (6/6). Carrying the topic of ‘Creating Excellence Content for Each Department,’ this assistance is part of the Community Service Program for Telkom University lecturers who work closely with Telkom School teams throughout Indonesia.

Adinda Tanjung opened the mentoring activity as the host. The event continued with the first lecture session from Dr. Martha Tri Lestari, S.Sos, M.M. Dr. Martha brought the topic of website management at Telkom 1 Medan Vocational School to develop the Access Network Engineering department and Computer and Network Engineering.

The second presentation session was filled by Dr. Sri Wahyuning Astuti, S. Psi., and M. Ikom. Dr. Sri discussed visual storytelling through social media in increasing public awareness about SMK Telkom 1 Medan, especially for the Multimedia major. Dr. Sri also held discussions and evaluations with the PPDB team of SMK Telkom 1 Medan regarding content management on the Instagram account of SMK Telkom 1 Medan.

The event continued to the third presentation session by Mrs. Anisa Diniati, S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom with a discussion on management and recommendations for types of content on social media at SMK Telkom 1 Medan, especially for the Software Engineering department.

The event continued with a discussion session between the presenters and the PPDB Team of SMK Telkom 1 Medan. In this discussion session, the participants and presenters discussed the use of various social media and content management by SMK Telkom 1 Medan. Interaction with the audience through social media was also a topic of discussion in the last session of this series of mentoring activities.

“As part of a big family, we hope that the PPDB Team of SMK Telkom 1 Medan can achieve its target. Hopefully, we can stay in touch again in the future,” said Dr. Martha, closing this mentoring session.

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