Bandung, Telkom University – The economic challenge of Indonesia in the 21st century in terms of economy is to make Indonesia from middle income countries into high-income countries, as well as addressing the widening gap.
This was conveyed (Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education (Dirjend PK Kemenristekdikti) Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D., after opening the Workshop on the role of competence in the logistics field in building an effective and efficient distribution and transportation system to increase power National logistics competition, which took place at Grand Tjokro Hotel, Bandung, Wednesday (19/7).
Prof. Intan as Keynote speaker adds education in Indonesia must be able to overcome the challenges of the world of Economics in the 21st century, “higher education in Indonesia must be able to face the challenge of globalization by applying science-based economy” he said
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Heroe Wijanto in his speech said that the opening of this Logistics Engineering program is an effort to support the government in increasing trade in Indonesia.
“Asean economies, especially Indonesia as a country with good economic growth, we feel responsible to build a potential generation that supports the progress, Asean trade requires competent resources, and we will prepare (HR) through this Logistics Engineering program “He explained.
Dean of Industrial Engineering Faculty (FRI) Telkom University Dr.Dida D Damayanti explains, this event is expected Telkom University can produce quality of Logistics Engineering course that will soon be opened able to give graduates who can develop industry in Indonesia.
“Please pray from the father and the mother of the workshop participants in order to process the submission of Telecommunication Engineering Study Program Telkom University is given the smoothness and its graduates will be able to develop industrial world in Indonesia” he said.
In this event also filled with the first discussion with the speaker Prof. Dr. Senator Nur Bahagia (ITB logistics professor), Ir. Zaldy Masita, MBA (president of Indonesia logistics association), Erwin Raza. SE, MM (assistant under development of national logistics ministry of economic coordinator), Budi Santosa, ST, MT, CLIP, CISCP (head of FRI Tel-U e-supply chain study center) guided by Eka Yuliana, ST, MSM, moderator The last session was filled with Prof. speaker. I Nyoman Pujawa, Ph.D, CSCP (head of unun ISLI).