Dissemination of Matching Fund and Kedaireka in 2021

sosialisasi kemendikbud

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University through the Directorate of Research and Community Service in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University, held socialization of the Matching Fund and Kedaireka in 2021, which took place online through Zoom, Wednesday (10/3).

In this outreach, Suryo Adhi WIbowo, Ph.D., as a lecturer and Deputy Chair of the ADWITECH Telkom University Research Center socialized a new program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Education (Kemendikbud Dirjen Dikti) about Kedaireka.

Suryo conveyed that Kedaireka itself is a platform from the Ministry of Education and Culture, where Kedaireka is a bridge between industry and higher education people.

“Through Kedaireka we as persons of the Higher Education can help problems that occur in the industrial world and society.” He said.

Suryo conveyed that in the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program established by the Ministry of Education and Culture, there are eight main indicators for realizing an independent campus, including graduates getting a decent job, students getting experience outside of campus, lecturers doing activities outside of campus, practitioners teaching on campus, The work of lecturers can be used by the community and can be recognized internationally, study programs in collaboration with world-class partners, collaborative classes with participatory, and international standard study programs.

“Of the eight indicators, there are new opportunities to accelerate science on campus, and there are challenges in collaborating. Through these two platforms, this is the answer to these challenges, where both of them will provide collaborative solutions from the industry which will cause problems in the industry and parties. Higher education will provide solutions to these problems. ” He said.

As well as a meeting place for industry and academia, Suryo added that in both cases everything was transparent so that the two parties were able to agree on good cooperation.

“Through both of them, in the future, we will be able to accelerate innovation in Indonesia, and realize Penta helix collaboration.” He explained.

Apart from Suryo, also present as a resource person, Drs. Endang Taryono (Associate Expert Policy Analyst at the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture), where more in Endang explained about breakthroughs in the higher education funding mechanism through matching fund incentives of IDR 250 billion.

“This grant incentive aims to encourage universities to achieve the 8 (eight) Main Higher Education Performance Indicators set by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and through the Kedaireka platform, universities from various regions of Indonesia have equal opportunities to collaborate with the business/industry world. apply for the matching fund incentive. ” He explained.

Endang also explained that to create an independent campus, the Ministry of Education and Culture has issued 4 new programs in addition to a matching fund worth 250 billion for lecturers, there will be an independent campus competition program worth 500 billion rupiahs for the development of study programs in higher education, and an independent campus program worth 1500 billion. rupiah for all education in Indonesia from PAUD to HIGHER institutions, and there are BOPTN incentives based on main work indicators.

“Matching fund is a form of the presence of the government in realizing an independent campus in Indonesia, and solving problems in the industrial world, and being able to increase innovation in Indonesia.” He explained.

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