Education Should Be Able to Respond the Global Challenges

Leaders Talk

BANDUNG, TEL-U โ€“ Indonesiaโ€™s Education should be able to answer the global challenge either the workforce or global challenges in addressing world issues. Therefore the campus role in education world should be able to help students facing the globalization which was equipped not only store on their mind but also on their soul.

It is delivered by expert staff of Social Empowerment and Culture Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic Indonesia, Niniek Kun’s Naryathie Siswojo on Leaderโ€™s Talk in Tokong Nanas Building 8 th Floor Telkom University (Tel-U), Wednesday (8/10). Monthly event organized by the International Class Academic Office (ICAO) took theme โ€œBringing Local Competitiveness into Global Horizon: Preparing Academia to Contribute Global Worldโ€.

On this context, according to Niniek, Tel-U can contribute significantly to the development of global education and creating human beings who eager to continue learning and are not satisfied with the achievements that have been gained.

“Tel-U as a creative industry should be able to create a supportive environment for difference, diversity, and those who dare to try, dare to be creative although later they upside down,” said the former ambassador for Ukraine, Armenia and Georgia.

According to the Chairman of the committee of 7th Leaderโ€™s Talk, Eka Yuliana, ST, MSM, the theme has been selected because Tel-U academics condensed with Tridarma University. Here, teaching, research and community service should be applied, so that it can play an active role in the world of global education, “she said.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector 1 Dr. Heroe Wijanto appreciate the presence and contributions of Niniek especially in facilitating Tel-U to cooperate with leading universities in Ukraine couple months ago. “So Tel-U being the only campuses in Indonesia that interlaced the cooperation with two leading universities in Ukraine,” he said.

Vice Rector 1 also expected that Leaders Talk can continue to enrich local wisdom and bring Tel-U to compete in a global world. (Purel / aw)

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