Excellent Vocational Webinar 2021

webinar vokasi

03-18 WEBINAR VOKASIBANDUNG, Telkom University – To meet superior Human Resources (HR) for Indonesia to advance in the future, human resources who have skilled competencies and can answer the needs of the industrial world are needed

This was conveyed by the Director-General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Dirjen Diksi Kemendikbud) Wikan Sakarinto., Ph.D., in a webinar titled towards Excellent Vocational Education 2021, with the theme of Improving Diploma Three to Applied Undergraduate Program: in terms of Policy and Accreditation, which took place online through Zoom, Thursday (18/3).

Wikan said that upgrading from D3 to applied bachelor or D4 is needed to answer the needs of the industrial world in providing competent human resources through vocational education.

“This upgrading from D3 to an applied bachelor is an answer to the challenges of the industrial world in the future because the industry will get human resources that have a complete package, both those with hard skills and good soft skills.” Say Wikan.

To upgrade from D3 to D4, Wikan explained that a link and match is needed between vocational education be it universities, institutes, or high schools with the industrial world, this link and match includes 8 + 1.

“8 + 1 here includes the link and match program which is encouraged to include the alignment of the vocational education unit curriculum with industry, soft skill development with project-based learning, guest teachers from the teaching industry in vocational education units (at least 50 hours per semester per study program), internships. at least one semester, the issuance of competency certification, education and training for vocational education teachers in the industry, applied research that produces products for the community, as well as a commitment to the uptake of graduates by business and industry (DUDI), while +1 from the link and match program is assistance, scholarships and official ties provided by the business world and industry. ” He explained.

Wikan explained that seven main points need to be considered for upgrading from D3 to D4, the first is that this policy has been coordinated with BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education), and BAN-PT supports it because this is a good breakthrough. The two requirements are not as difficult as creating a new D4 study program, but the requirements are 8 + 1.

“The third thing I need to convey is that the accreditation may be fixed or even decreased, because with this upgrading automatically the study program has no graduates, and the fourth BAN-PT will carry out surveillance whether it deserves accreditation or not, but here are our requirements for upgrading. (Diction) will be the same as the BAN-PT accreditation requirements. ” He said.

The fifth requirement that needs to be considered is that the requirements must be carried out together with the industrial world, the six upgradings are indeed not mandatory, all decisions are made by the head of each institution, and the seventh is that there will be incentives that focus on SMK, D2, and exposed undergraduate. and Masters in Applied and if there is S3 Applied.

“In the fifth requirement, we want graduates from applied bachelors to be absorbed and gain the trust of the industry because by linking and matching with the industry they can pass the requirements we provide.” He explained.

Also attending as a speaker was the Secretary of the Executive Board of BAN-PT, PT.Prof. Agus Setiabudi, where Prof. Agus said that the adjustment of the D3 to Applied Bachelor (D4) accreditation ranking is still under development, but the equalization mechanism will be similar to the higher education change assessment surveillance

“The whole process of ranking changes for D3 to D3 accreditation is still under development, but here we need to say that currently following Permen 7 of 2020, BAN-PT has prepared an instrument on fulfilling the minimum requirements for study program accreditation, and only given to new study programs that are new to since January 28, 2020, and this opening will use a new accreditation. ” He explained.

In the Closing Remark given by the Chancellor of Telkom University Prof. Adiwijaya is also the Indonesian Private Vocational Director (FDVSI). Where is Prof. Adiwijaya said that what was conveyed by the Director-General of Dictions about preparing graduates who have skills and link and match with the industrial world has been done at Telkom University?

“We are very concerned about our graduates to be ready to enter the industrial world, therefore through the independent campus program we have implemented an apprenticeship program for 1 year in the industrial world, and this program applies to education that is academic or vocational in nature, where the final project of the student. we have to be a product or a prototype. ” He explained.

Prof. Adiwijaya added that hopefully with this event, all vocational colleges will be able to produce the human resources needed by the Indonesian nation in the future.

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