FIK Fundraising Through the Masterpiece

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The School of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U) organized the “Fund Raising” event, in which the entire FIK family, from students, lecturers to alumni, raised funds through their masterpiece.

Dean of FIK Dr. Roro Retno Wulan in her speech said that this event was initiated based on realizing Tel-U Value, namely Harmony Excellence and Integrity. So that the goal of Telkom University in creating an outstanding generation for the Indonesian nation.

“The idea comes up from the values ??of harmony and integrity. During this Pandemic, the period can be maintained so that the aspiration to become an institution of excellence.” He explained

According to the head of the 2020 fundraising event as well as a lecturer at FIK Tel-U, Anggar Edina, the theme entitled “Work to Revive Together” where both students, lecturers, and alumni will sell our masterpiece as well as open caricature commission through Instagram @ fundraising.sci

“Later, we will donate all the proceeds from the sales and caricature making directly to Tel-U students who are affected by Covid-19.” He said.

Anggar added that this fundraising event had been going on since early August 2020, and at the main event which took place on Sunday (30/8), the FIK extended family wanted to give enthusiasm and encouragement to all students to continue pursuing higher education.

“The amount of funds we provide is not too large, but the message we want to convey is encouragement and enthusiasm for students affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to continue learning and continue to pursue their dreams through higher education.” He explained.

Deputy Dean for Resources FIK, Arini Arumsari M.Ds. said that the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on every sector, especially in the world of education. Currently, Telkom University has provided a policy for affected students to be given tuition fee relief, so that students can continue to pursue higher education.

“Here we (FIK) want to provide more assistance to these students, where the funds we have collected as well as this activity can encourage students to continue to learn and pursue their dreams because our current students are the next generation of the nation in the future. this nation is getting even better. ” He explained.