BANDUNG, TEL-U – number of lecturers from D3 Information Management School of Applied Sciences Telkom University (FIT Tel-U) held a community service (Abdimas) to the Member of Welfare Guidance (PKK) in Lengkong, subdistrict Bojongsoang, Bandung Regency and Food Crops and Horticulture Protection Association (BPTPH), West Java. Abdimas which was held since January 9 to 11, 2016 was housed in FIT Tel-U.
According to the chairman of abdimas Wawa Wikusna, ST, M Kom, this event aim to increase community empowerment to transform the processing of data and delivering information from conventional to digital.
“On the first day, the participants will train how to make accessories followed by how to market through social media, then on the second and third day will be given a material on how to use the Internet wisely,” he said.
While participants from BPTPH will received the material on utilize blog in order to facilitate the BPTPH in disseminating information, creating digital media to educate in an effective manner, and how to process the data into a report in order to facilitate the reporting of data from the district to the provinces.
“So we support them to improve the effectiveness of work on how to educate in agriculture, especially on sharing knowledge,” he said.
Besides participants from BPTPH and PKK, on ??the second day of also attended by Lengkong district office staff and institutional staff Lengkong, District of Bojongsoang which will learn optimize MS Word for administration and correspondence as well as optimize MS Excel for data processing of population.
Wawa expected that this kind of activity will lead the lecturer team closer to the community and know better what problems exist in the community. So that it can quickly provide a solution. “Participants are able to be more open in using technology to work effectively,” he said. (PR / AW)