Four Tel-U Teams Dominated the SIMBIZ 2016!


BANDUNG, TEL-U – Four teams of Telkom University (Tel-U) dominated the ย Business Simulation 2016 Competition (SIMBIZ 2016) held at Campus Bina Nusantara (Binus) International University, Jakarta, 13-15 May.

The teams are I Love Bandung: Muh. Reza Saputra (MBTI / FEB 2012), and Imran Maulana (MBTI / FEB 2013) won the second position, Telkom 1 Team: Fadly Aprianto (MBTI / FEB 2012) and Dani Aji Pratama (Industrial Engineering / FRI 2012) got the 3rd position, Telkom 4 Team: Uzamah Arrosyid Zain (Industrial Engineering / FRI 2014) and Wibowo Surya Tiyarto (Industrial Engineering / FRI 2013) won the first runner-up , and Telkom 3 Team: Syahrul Rashid (MBTI / FEB 2012) and Made Kevin Bratawisnu (MBTI / FEB 2014) won the third runner-up .

SIMBIZ is a national event that has been running for nine years which is designed to train and empower young people to become entrepreneurs in facing the future world. Entitled “Entrepreneur Your Way Forward”, this year competition is divided into three stages, consist of Rally Games, Ja Titan Business Simulation and Business Plan Presentation.

The first day of competition was filled with Rally Games. Each group consists of 2 given questions about general knowledge, accounting, management and mathematics.

The second day, participants are exposed to Ja Titan Business Simulation competition using business simulation application. It is kind of simulation of the real business world, how to run, analyze business situations and to make strategic decisions on price, production, marketing, investment capital, research and development.

After passed the assessment, the jury determines the big 10 based on the accumulation result points from the first and second day, to continue on the third day Business Plan Presentation. On this category, participants are required to demonstrate their entrepreneurial side through creative and innovative business ideas, in addition, the participants also had to plan every aspect of their business such as management, production, marketing and distribution.

Muh. Reza Saputra as President of SEARCH UKM and also members of I Love Bandung Team feel proud of this achievement. “Hopefully we can regeneration the Search best member and make Tel-U proud of us neither in the national nor international level,” he said. (Purel / AW)

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